Daily Express

Anger as 27 Tory rebels plot to wreck Brexit Bill

- By David Maddox

A GROUP of Tory Remainer MPs plan to support “wrecking amendments” to the Brexit Bill.

About 27 Remain supporters led by Anna Soubry and Ken Clarke are to vote with Labour, the Lib Dems and SNP to open the door to trying to overturn the referendum result.

And Labour descended into chaos last night with shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry unable to confirm MPs will vote to trigger Article 50 at the end of the bill.

The rebellion will come at the committee stage of the European Union (Notificati­on of Withdrawal) Bill, which starts today, where amendments have been put down to force a final vote on Britain’s deal.

Remainers want to undermine Theresa May’s strategy by having the right to block an option of walking away if Brussels plays tough.

Ms Soubry said: “If there is no deal the Government will determine what happens next. It should come into Parliament.” Backbenche­r Neil Carmichael is concerned that MPs would be unable to force the Prime Minister back to the table, with consequenc­es for the economy. “I hope to persuade Government to meet our concerns this week before the Bill is finalised,” he said. Other Tory rebels are expected to include Dominic Grieve and veteran pro-European Mr Clarke, the lone Tory to rebel at second reading. The rebellion is set to fail because the Government will get backing from Labour Brexiteers including Kate Hoey and Gisela Stuart as well as the Democratic Unionist MPs and Ukip’s Douglas Carswell. Tory MP Steve Baker said: “This is a time to unite behind a democratic result – not plot to repudiate it.” Labour’s splits deepened with leader Jeremy Corbyn unsure whether to sack shadow home secretary Diane Abbott for her absence from last week’s vote on Article 50.

 ??  ?? Jeremy Corbyn yesterday
Jeremy Corbyn yesterday
 ??  ?? Anna Soubry is leading revolt
Anna Soubry is leading revolt
 ??  ?? Tory Remainer Ken Clarke
Tory Remainer Ken Clarke

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