Daily Express


AT LAST, THE NEWS WE’VE BEEN WAITING FOR May reveals vision for a global Britain

- By Macer Hall Political Editor

THERESA May will today promise a clean break with Brussels to build a “global Britain” free to forge trading links around the world.

In her long-awaited keynote speech on Brexit, the Prime Minister will unequivoca­lly reject any watereddow­n departure deal that leaves the UK “half-in and half-out” of the European Union.

She will also confirm that her top objectives for Britain’s future outside the EU include regaining full border controls to stop

‘I want us to be a truly global Britain… a country that reaches beyond Europe’

unlimited migration and ending the rule of European judges over British affairs.

“We will seek a new and equal partnershi­p between an independen­t, self-governing global Britain and our friends and allies in the EU,” she is expected say as she unveils her Brexit blueprint.

Mrs May is due to deliver her speech to an audience including European ambassador­s at Lancaster House in central London.

Aides said the 45-minute address will be “meaty”, setting out full details of her vision for a prosperous future outside the EU and a preview of “the Government’s plan for the [Brexit] negotiatio­ns”.

The Prime Minister will categorica­lly rule out the UK becoming an “associate member” of the EU to ensure tariff-free access to the bloc’s single market.

She will make clear she is not in favour of “partial membership of the European Union, associate membership of the Union, or anything that leaves us half-in, half-out”.

“We do not seek to adopt a model already enjoyed by other countries. We do not seek to hold on to bits of membership as we leave.

“The United Kingdom is leaving the European Union. My job is to get the right deal for Britain as we do,” she will say.

Setting out her Brexit plan, she will list 12 priorities for her negotiatio­ns with other EU leaders.

They include an end to Britain’s obligation to accept free movement of EU citizens and withdrawal from the jurisdicti­on of the Luxembourg­based European Court of Justice, the bloc’s highest legal body.

Mrs May will also tell her audience that her negotiatin­g strategy will be based on four key principles.

They will be providing certainty and clarity about Britain’s future role, building a “stronger” country, a “fairer” country and creating a “truly global Britain”.

“We have 12 objectives that amount to one big goal – a new, positive and constructi­ve partnershi­p between Britain and the EU.”

Mrs May will seek to reassure Britain’s European partners that the country’s vote to leave the bloc did not mean the country was turning its back on its continenta­l allies. “Our vote to leave the European Union was no rejection of the values we share,” she will say.

“The decision to leave the EU represents no desire to become more distant to you, our friends and neighbours. We will continue to be reliable partners, willing allies and close friends.”

And striking a positive note, Mrs May will say: “A little over six months ago the British people voted for change. They voted to shape a brighter future for our country. They voted to leave the European Union and embrace the world.

“And they did so with their eyes open: accepting the road ahead will be uncertain at times, but believing it leads towards a brighter future.

“And it is the job of this government to deliver it. That means more than negotiatin­g our new relationsh­ip with the EU. It means taking the opportunit­y of this great moment of national change to step back and ask ourselves what kind of country we want to be.

“My answer is clear – I want this United Kingdom to emerge from this period of change stronger, fairer, more united and more outwardloo­king than ever before.

“I want us to be a secure, prosperthe ous, tolerant country – a magnet for internatio­nal talent and a home to the pioneers and innovators who will shape the world ahead.

“I want us to be a truly global Britain – the best friend and neighbour to our European partners, but a country that reaches beyond Europe too, a country that gets out into the world to build relationsh­ips with old friends and new allies alike.

“I want Britain to be what we have potential and ambition to be: a great, global trading nation that is respected around the world and strong, confident and united at home.”

The PM’s spokeswoma­n last night said the speech set out “the Government’s plan for the negotiatio­ns”.

“You should expect the Government’s plan for how we are going to approach the negotiatio­ns, how we get the best deal for the UK.”

Downing Street also supported a warning from Chancellor Philip Hammond that the Government was prepared to strike back by slashing business taxes to attract more internatio­nal investment if Brussels attempted to “punish” Britain with swingeing tariffs after Brexit.

“We would want to remain in the mainstream of a recognisab­le European-style taxation system,” the spokeswoma­n said. “But if we are forced to do something different because we can’t get the right deal, then we stand ready to do so.”

 ?? Pictures: DARREN STAPLES/REUTERS ?? Theresa May’s speech will be an upbeat vision of a strong Britain with worldwide trade
Pictures: DARREN STAPLES/REUTERS Theresa May’s speech will be an upbeat vision of a strong Britain with worldwide trade
 ??  ?? Mr Hammond has business tax plan
Mr Hammond has business tax plan

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