Daily Express

Putin raises the stakes in new nuclear war of words

- By Mark Reynolds

VLADIMIR Putin yesterday said Russia is “stronger than any potential aggressor” after modernisin­g its nuclear missiles and other forces.

The Russian president is aware of a nuclear build-up despite his wish for good relations with US Presidente­lect Donald Trump. He fears the 2002 US exit from the 1972 anti-ballistic missile treaty “created the conditions for a new nuclear arms race”.

His alert came hours after Mr Trump tweeted of the need for an even greater nuclear arsenal.


Mr Trump said: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.”

Some of his 18 million followers agreed, others said he was leading the world to war.

Speaking at his end-of-year press conference, Mr Putin said: “It’s no secret we’ve worked hard to improve our missile forces.”

Russia had to modernise its offensive systems after the US quit the treaty, he said.

But added: “If anyone is unleashing an arms race, it’s not us. We will never spend resources on an arms race that we can’t afford.”

Mr Putin also dismissed the Obama administra­tion’s claim about a Russian hand in the hacking of Democratic party computers during the campaign.

He said: “The losing side is looking for people to blame outside.

“They would do better to look for the problems among themselves.”

The Democrats had also lost ground in congressio­nal elections, he said. “So that’s my work too?” he asked.

The Russian president also questioned the democratic process in America: “Yes, there are democratic problems. We have raised them with our US partners more than once.”

“It is in the archaic nature of the US system,” he added, referring to the electoral college. “So some states have preference­s? Why do they still have that today...well that is a question for the American people.”

But he added that America was a great nation. Mr Trump has promised better relations with Russia once he is sworn into office next month. The two men are known to have a much closer relationsh­ip than the Russian leader shares with President Obama. Nuclear vow, Mr Trump and his Twitter comment below

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 ??  ?? Making a point... Mr Putin at yesterday’s press event
Making a point... Mr Putin at yesterday’s press event
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