Daily Express

Farage: Cameron’s talks on EU deal will be farce


by polling firm Survation was commission­ed by Ukip and was the biggest detailed study of public opinion on Europe for years.

It asked a series of questions about attitudes to the EU and what should be the Prime Minister’s top priorities in his drive to renegotiat­e the country’s EU membership deal.

Immigratio­n was seen as the most important issue in his diplomatic push, according to the poll.

Thirty- two per cent of voters stated that “ending the free movement of people” across EU borders should be top of his agenda.

A further 18 per cent made restoratio­n of sovereignt­y from Brussels to Westminste­r top priority.


And 15 per cent wanted the £ 11billion cost of EU membership slashed and the cash spent within the UK.

Mr Farage pointed out that the top three priorities for EU reform in the poll were not even on Mr Cameron’s negotiatin­g shopping list.

He said: “His renegotiat­ion is a farce. He has no intention of fighting for the changes people want. Opendoor immigratio­n is the number one concern. David Cameron has no intention of addressing this.

“It is vital therefore that EU open borders are part of this referendum debate. The fact that inside the EU we have no say over the quantity nor quality control of those who come to our country is of huge significan­ce to the British people.

“We must highlight that we can only control the numbers coming in by voting No and leaving the EU.

“It is also clear that the British people want a Parliament which is free to make its own laws without interferen­ce from the EU and to stop money flowing to Brussels.

“None of these issues are even open for discussion, so we in Ukip will be campaignin­g hard to expose David Cameron’s commitment to keep the UK locked inside the EU.

“Ukip will be leading the charge to secure a No vote.”

The historic vote is to be held by the end of 2017 but some Whitehall insiders believe it could come as early as next June. Mr Cameron is set for fresh talks on UK membership with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and other EU leaders.

Meanwhile Ukip leader Mr Farage will speak at dozens of public meetings in the coming months to try to win the case for quitting the EU.

In a major speech tomorrow, he will say time must not be wasted in the battle to win over voters. According to the Survation poll, the Yes to EU camp is currently ahead, with 44.1 per cent of the vote, against 35.7 per cent who want us to leave.

But senior Ukip figures believe the other poll findings confirm that feeling will shift drasticall­y when the arguments are examined.

Only 37 per cent of those quizzed would vote to join the EU if Britain was outside the bloc today.

Forty- two per cent had no idea how much EU membership cost taxpayers, while 66 per cent said the cost was too high whatever it was.

Forty- one per cent thought any savings if Britain does quit the EU should be spent on the NHS.

Nearly two- thirds of voters said the Westminste­r Parliament should be able to overrule EU law.

The Daily Express has been at the forefront of the crusade for Britain to quit the EU for more than five years. Hundreds of thousands of readers backed a petition delivered to Downing Street.

 ??  ?? Germany’s Merkel is to hold UK talks
Germany’s Merkel is to hold UK talks
 ??  ?? Ukip chief Farage will fight to quit EU
Ukip chief Farage will fight to quit EU

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