Cycling Weekly

Lifeplus Wahoo aim for pro ranks

Continenta­l squad hopes to mark 10-year anniversar­y with Proteam status


British Continenta­l women’s team Lifeplus Wahoo are hoping to step up a tier next season and become a Proteam from 2025. e new tier will be introduced for the rst time next year, serving as a second profession­al division of women’s cycling teams, and bridging the gap from Continenta­l to Worldtour.

Coming off the back of the squad not gaining an invite to this year’s Tour de France Femmes, general manager Tom Varney conrmed the ambition. “at’s the aim for us,” he said. “It’ll be our 10th year next year also, and I think we deserve to be at that level. We have to nalise a few things and see what the regulation­s say, but the aim is to be there.”

To meet the Proteam criteria, teams will have to register with the UCI, rather than just their national federation, providing a bank guarantee and committing to pay a minimum salary to riders.

e UCI originally planned to introduce the new tier in 2026, matching the men’s structure, but brought it forward in view of the “current boom” in women’s cycling.

Varney understand­s Lifeplus Wahoo are one of four Continenta­l teams worldwide to request more informatio­n from the UCI, and the only one of the current six British Continenta­l teams.

“We would like to differenti­ate ourselves from the other UK teams, but also the other 30-odd, 40-odd Conti teams around the world,” the Lifeplus Wahoo boss said. “We would like to see some progress commercial­ly within the UK. I think we’ve seen a lot of growth in women’s sport: football, rugby, cricket. I think it’s about time that we saw some of that level of commercial success in cycling.”

Currently, there are no British women’s Worldtour teams, meaning there are none at profession­al level. “I think the UK

riders, and the juniors that we see coming up, deserve something to aim for,” Varney said. “We don’t have a team on par with those that we see in the Worldtour and the countries that are leading the way, and I think the UK deserves that.”

is season, Lifepluswahoo have had to adjust their plans after nding out

“We would like to differenti­ate ourselves from other UK teams”

they had not been invited to the Tour de France Femmes, despite having taken part in the opening two editions. Varney received the news from social media. “I think it’s de nitely a shame,” he said. “Of course, it was never guaranteed for us to be there. We’ve always had a plan A and a plan B, but it’s been a little bit of a blow.”

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 ?? ?? Lifeplus-wahoo are aiming tostep up to the UCI’S new pro tier
Maddie Leech (left) congratula­tes Eluned King on her CICLE Classic win
Lifeplus-wahoo are aiming tostep up to the UCI’S new pro tier Maddie Leech (left) congratula­tes Eluned King on her CICLE Classic win

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