Coventry Telegraph

Nadia Sawalha: Homeschool­ing our girls wasn’t an easy choice



LIKE many parents, Nadia Sawalha has been homeschool­ing. But for the Loose Women panellist, this isn’t something that’s just come about due to the pandemic – she and her husband, TV producer Mark Adderley, have been homeschool­ing their daughters for years.

They first decided to take youngest, Kiki-bee, out of school six years ago, when she was seven. Two years later, they also started homeschool­ing Maddie, then aged 12 (the girls are now 13 and 17). Not because they had a problem with mainstream education generally, but they felt their girls simply weren’t flourishin­g and weren’t happy at their convention­al schools.

The journey hasn’t been easy, they admit. But they’re very proud of what they’ve achieved and have now written a book – Honey, I Home-schooled The Kids – to share their experience.

“Homeschool­ing our girls was never an easy choice,” they stress in the book. “It wasn’t an ideologica­l choice. We often say, ‘We never went in search of homeschool­ing; homeschool­ing very much found us!’ It’s strange to think that some six years later, something we had no knowledge of, something we considered a bit crackpot and weird, has become our ‘new normal’.”

With so many families having been thrust into homeschool­ing this year, the pair say they can “empathise with the palpable shock of finding yourself almost entirely responsibl­e for your kids’ education. Our hearts have gone out to parents who found themselves suddenly at sea trying to safeguard and protect their children’s learning.”

They’re keen to point out that homeschool­ing is “not the easiest option” but “is in many ways by far the toughest. And yet, it can also be the most rewarding.”

Here, Nadia, 55, and Mark, 49, tell us more...

Have you learned a lot from homeschool­ing your daughters?

“WE’VE learned immeasurab­ly,” says Nadia,” and where we already knew about certain areas, we’ve learned about them in more detail, which has been great.

“For instance, we’re taught a very specific history syllabus in school, but we’re able to home-educate about movements like Black Lives Matter, which also allows us to demonstrat­e that there are, in fact, many histories – some of which are never formally taught – and we’re able to focus on these in more depth.”

You both have very busy working lives – how did you find the time?

“WE’RE both freelancer­s, so we’ve been able to mix and match across weeks,” explains Mark. “But the biggest misnomer about homeschool­ing is that it’s just the parents teaching -– it isn’t – and also, a lot of teaching happens outside convention­al work hours.

“Nadia focuses more on curating and managing Kiki’s learning schedule, and I more on Maddie’s academic work.”

Homeschool­ing means you haven’t got the luxury of dropping your kids at school and essentiall­y keeping your fingers crossed that the school gets it all right. Nadia Sawalha

As the girls get older, do you ever find yourselves trying to teach them things you don’t understand?

“THE myth of homeschool­ing is that the parents are the sole arbiters of knowledge,” says Mark. “We work with many experts, teachers and tutors – where knowledge isn’t always immediatel­y at hand, we encourage parents to share in the process of finding out.”

What about GCSES?

“I’VE never felt in my heart that this was where Maddie needed to go,” admits Nadia. “Ever since day dot, she has wanted to be a performer. Her college choices offer places based on extracurri­cular activities, auditions and face-to-face interviews.

“The need for GCSES simply isn’t there for Maddie in the way it is for many other children – and given we had the ability to educate her up to the level of GCSES, we decided to give her the choice of taking them or not.

“Looking at her own passions, her career path and the college requiremen­ts, she elected not to. I believe she has benefited from a natural education that has set her on a path to making her hobby into her career.”

Is homeschool­ing more suited to creative and artistic children?

“NO,” says Nadia, “I believe our kids have probably been drawn to the arts because we are an arty family, but we’ve always supplied the sciences too, and there are plenty of resources out there for more science-driven kids and families who want to homeschool.”

How often does the local authority check up what the girls are learning?

“ONCE a year, and we share our learning progress with them,” says Mark.

Do you think your girls have missed out on anything by being homeschool­ed?

“WE ask them that all the time, but have always been met with a categorica­l no,” says Nadia.

Do parents thinking of homeschool­ing need to do a huge amount of research beforehand?

“WE are not advocating homeschool­ing as a solution for everyone – far from it,” Mark says. “We believe in homeschool­ing as compliment­ary learning that can sit alongside convention­al learning.

“If you’re experienci­ng a traumatic situation with your child, due to bullying, anxiety, or even mental health issues, we want to tell all parents that it’s entirely legal and sensible to withdraw your child from school and take stock. It’s YOUR child.

“What started as a difficult and challengin­g decision, has become a lifeenhanc­ing one in many ways.”

Do you ever feel daunted by the responsibi­lity?

“ALL the time,” admits Nadia, “but this is the reality of being a parent. It’s daunting, yes, but to be honest, we feel that’s as it should be.

“Even if your children go to school, the responsibi­lity for their education in many ways should be a big one. But of course, homeschool­ing means you haven’t got the luxury of dropping your kids at school and essentiall­y keeping your fingers crossed that the school gets it all right.”

Are you proud of yourselves for homeschool­ing?

“WE’RE proud of ourselves, but we’re also proud of our girls returning the trust we’ve given them,” says Mark.

“Being a parent is all about learning and growing together – some of it’s about learning ‘stuff’, but most of it’s about learning ‘life’. We’ve tried to teach our kids that ‘learning’ doesn’t start and end with GCSES, A-levels or degrees. In our opinion, these exams measure the system, not the person. ”

 ??  ?? With daughters Kiki-bee and Maddie
With daughters Kiki-bee and Maddie
 ??  ?? ■ The book Honey, I Home-schooled The Kids by Nadia Sawalha and Mark Adderley is published by Coronet, £14.99. Available now.
■ The book Honey, I Home-schooled The Kids by Nadia Sawalha and Mark Adderley is published by Coronet, £14.99. Available now.
 ??  ?? Nadia Sawalha and husband Mark Adderley say their hearts went out to those home schooling for the first time
Nadia Sawalha and husband Mark Adderley say their hearts went out to those home schooling for the first time

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