Coventry Telegraph

‘You can use a dining room chair and from that you can do wall drives, step ups, split squats – basically working all your body’


- By ANDY TURNER Sky Blues Reporter

PERSONAL gyms and swimming pools will be helping mega-rich Premier League players stay fit through the current football shutdown, but what about lower down the leagues at clubs like Coventry City?

That, says former Sky Blues sports scientist and fitness coach Pete Tierney, is where the club will be getting creative and innovative to ensure the squad maintain a decent level of fitness during the coronaviru­s lockdown that has confined the players to their homes.

“It’s amazing what you can do with a dining room chair,” said the fitness expert, who worked with his home town club for many years, starting at the Academy and working his way up to oversee the first team under several managers, including Mark Robins. Here Pete, a life-long fan as well as a fitness profession­al, gives an insight into what City will be doing during their enforced time away from the training ground and how the extended fixture suspension will be affecting their fitness levels, having gone from peak performanc­e at this late stage of the season to football suddenly grinding to a halt.

“It’s easier for the top end clubs who have wonderful facilities at home but lower down the pyramid it’s a little bit harder,” said the enthusiast­ic coach, who is coming to the end of his studies for a PHD.

“I would imagine one or two of the Coventry players may have their own gyms but all will have their own exercise equipment.

“It’s a world away from the Premier League. You only have to go online and see the sorts of facilities they have.

“Some of their swimming pools are probably bigger than my apartment, so the game has changed.”

He added: “Mark’s brought people in like their sports science and fitness guy, Adam Hearn, who I know will be in daily contact with the players and monitoring their progress, and that will probably see them self reporting in each morning via a wellness app on their phone.

“They’ll have the wearable technology; the heart-rate and GPS monitors that will feed back what the players are doing. There is the technology there now and Cov City are using it to help with their remote working.

“Adam has worked in the lower leagues and he’ll be used to being innovative and creative. I know when I was at Cov money was tighter than it is now, but if you don’t have the equipment then you can create it.

“I’ll give you an example. You can use a dining room chair and from that you can do wall drives, step ups, step jumps, split squats – basically working all your body.

“I know the reputation Adam is building within the sports science community in supporting footballer­s and I know he’ll be very creative and innovative in ensuring the players can maximise whatever they have got

I know Adam will be innovative in ensuring the players can maximise whatever they have got at home. Pete Tierney

at home. He will have given an individual programme to every player and that will be regularly updated.”

So how will the sudden lay-off have affected fitness levels and how quickly will they drop off their peak condition?

“The players will keep a certain level of fitness throughout an amount of time,” he said. “If you look at a season when it normally ends we would always give the players a couple of weeks of rest, but prior to that we would probably spend two weeks doing what we call ‘de-training’ them.

“De-training doesn’t mean telling them to stop but rather it’s a slow decreasing of what they’re doing.

“It’s a bit like a drug addict or alcoholic. If you just stop them taking drugs or drinking then they will go cold turkey and it causes more harm than good, more often than not, and it’s a little bit like that with an athlete.

“You have to wean them off what they’re doing because they are so used to doing anything between 50-70 kilometres each week.

“You can’t just go from that to zero overnight, so you take a couple of weeks towards the end of the season reducing their load and then allowing them to have a couple of weeks in the sun, lying on a beach.

“After that you then re-introduce some training into them. But in answer to the question, they don’t lose it overnight.

“It takes a considerab­le amount of time to lose their fitness. However, it doesn’t take long for them to lose their peak fitness.

“And this is where we want to get them to. I always refer to them as football athletes rather than football players because that was my domain and I needed to get them physically fit. “But the game has changed massively over the last two to three years. Players nowadays have become more responsibl­e for their own physical developmen­t as well as the nutritiona­l side of it as well.”

Tierney admits the break will mean clubs will take a pre-season approach.

“For me, I would be looking at this as a period almost as a second pre-season,” he said. “It’s longer than a winter break. Most haven’t played for three weeks now and the physical and mental fatigue from seven months of football will have gone and they’ll want to make sure the players return in as good a shape as possible. That’s vital.”

He added: “The biggest thing will be knowing when football is going to get back to normal because if you know that the players are, say, going to come back in September and next season will start in October, then at least you can start planing and doing what I call periodisat­ion.

“It’s a little bit like the Olympics where they can build the athletes up over a longer period of time, doing their basic strength work, then maximum strength work.

“When they come back I think they’re going to need a couple of weeks of just playing football from volume to intensity with lots of small sided games to help get that match sharpness back, and that’s only going to develop with time.

“But every club is going to be in that situation.”

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 ??  ?? Pete Tierney works with players during his time as sports scientist for Sky Blues
Pete Tierney works with players during his time as sports scientist for Sky Blues
 ??  ?? Adam Hearn
Adam Hearn

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