Coventry Telegraph

What every parent should know about bronchioli­tis

LISA SALMON finds out more about the lung infection which usually brings mild symptoms, but can lead to hospitalis­ation in severe cases


AS WELL as being the peak season for coughs and colds, this time of year is when babies and young children often succumb to the common – but potentiall­y more serious – lung infection bronchioli­tis.

During their first year of life, around a third of children in the UK will develop bronchioli­tis – in which a virus causes inflammati­on of the small airways in the lungs (bronchiole­s). With initial symptoms like a blocked or runny nose, cough and slightly high temperatur­e, the illness is often mistaken for a cold.

But it is ‘more than a cold’ – also the name of a bronchioli­tis informatio­n campaign – and although the illness is mild in most cases, it can sometimes cause life-threatenin­g lung infections in young children.

Dr Su Laurent, a consultant paediatric­ian at Barnet Hospital, points out that it leads to around 45,000 paediatric hospital admissions in England alone every year, of which up to 6% will end up in intensive care.

She says: “Bronchioli­tis infections can occur any time of year, but the lead up to Christmas is a particular­ly bad period. Last December I saw a lot of babies coming into hospital for treatment, and we’ve already treated a large number of babies this autumn.

“Coughs and sniffles are really common around the festive period – so it’s important for parents of babies to be mindful of the symptoms of bronchioli­tis”

Here are 12 things every parent of young children should know:


INITIAL symptoms of bronchioli­tis are a runny nose and a cough. Further symptoms, which usually develop over the next few days, include a slightly high temperatur­e, dry and persistent cough, rapid or noisy breathing (wheezing), brief pauses in breathing, difficulty feeding, having fewer wet nappies, vomiting after feeding and being irritable or floppy.

“When a child is unwell, it’s understand­able that parents will be worried. Although symptoms can be distressin­g to witness, they are usually mild and bronchioli­tis can generally be managed at home,” says Dr Laurent.


THE main cause of bronchioli­tis is the very contagious respirator­y syncytial virus (RSV), and Dr Laurent warns: “It’s important to remember that bronchioli­tis is caused by a viral infection so in the majority of cases antibiotic­s aren’t needed.”


WHEN the bronchiole­s become inflamed as a result of the RSV, they restrict the amount of air that can enter the lungs, making it more difficult for children to breathe.


IN SOME cases, bronchioli­tis can become severe and cause children to struggle to breathe – their breathing rate can increase to 50-60 breaths a minute or they may develop a temperatur­e of 38˚C (100.4˚F) or higher. If these symptoms occur, medical attention should be sought.


BRONCHIOLI­TIS most commonly affects babies between three and six months of age, but by the age of two, almost all infants will have been infected with RSV and up to half will have had bronchioli­tis.


THE illness is most widespread during the winter (from November to March), and the annual peak around the end of November and beginning of December is when the temperatur­e is low and the relative humidity is high.


IT’S possible for a child to get bronchioli­tis more than once during the same season.


BABIES are at greater risk of developing severe bronchioli­tis if they were born prematurel­y (at less than 37 weeks), are under 12 weeks old or were born with a heart or lung condition.


THE NHS advises parents to call a doctor or dial 111 if they’re worried about their child, if he/she has taken less than half their usual amount during the last two or three feeds, if they’ve had a dry nappy for 12 hours or more, if they have a persistent high temperatur­e of 38˚C or above, or if they seem very tired

or irritable.


DIAL 999 if your baby is having difficulty breathing, his/her tongue or lips are blue, or there are long pauses in your baby’s breathing.


THERE’S no medication to kill RSV, but the infection usually clears within two weeks without treatment, and most children can be cared for at home in the same way that you’d treat a cold – so by drinking plenty of fluids, and taking children’s paracetamo­l or ibuprofen to bring down their temperatur­e.


TO PREVENT the spread of RSV, parents and carers need to adhere to basic hygiene rules and should wash their hands regularly with soap and water.

Everyone, including older children, should cover their nose and mouth when they cough or sneeze near the baby and babies should be kept away from other people who show signs of a cough or cold. Toys should be washed or wiped regularly to prevent the spread of germs.

 ??  ?? A cough is one of the initial symptoms of bronchioli­tis
A cough is one of the initial symptoms of bronchioli­tis
 ??  ?? Seek medical advice if you’re worried about your child
Seek medical advice if you’re worried about your child
 ??  ?? Dr Su Laurent
Dr Su Laurent

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