Cosmopolitan (UK)

“He said I left a gap in his life”

Thea, 25, is an assistant producer from Sheffield


Back in sixth form, my friends and I were always in this dingy rock venue in the heart of Sheffield. We’d gather on the sticky dancefloor every week to forget about the stress of our looming exams. That’s where Charlie and I first spoke. I’d seen him around school but was always too nervous to say hello because he was the popular boy in the year above me. One night, after a few drinks, I plucked up the courage to ask him about his band. We had the exact same taste in music and ended up kissing. He texted me the next day inviting me to his house to watch The Sopranos and we got together after that.

We spent most of our time with each other driving around in his car, playing our favourite songs. We also had a few wild holidays to party islands like Ayia Napa. I felt comfortabl­e and happy in our relationsh­ip. Then, two years in, Charlie ended things over the phone. I was blindsided and it took me a long time to get over him.

Seeing him on the date, seven years on, was like catching up with an old friend. He apologised for how it ended and said I left a gap in his life that he’s found hard to fill. I’d heard rumours that he’d cheated on me in the past but he denied those over dinner. I’m happy to take his word for it – he hasn’t got any reason to lie about that now. I don’t hold anything against Charlie; I think if we had stayed together we would have unintentio­nally held each other back. Being dumped gave me the motivation to pursue a career in DJing, and he’s out there touring the world. I also have a son now so my priorities have changed a lot.

The date proved we still have a great connection, but I think we’re looking for different things. He gave me a lift home at the end of the night. Almost 10 years after we met, I was back in Charlie’s car blasting the tunes.

 ??  ?? Thea Charlie and back in 2011
Thea Charlie and back in 2011

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