Computer Active (UK)

How can I get a dual-pane File Explorer view?

- Chris Poole

QI often find myself moving files from one location to another, so the ability to view two locations at once in the same File Explorer window would be very useful. Is there any way of enabling this? Or perhaps an alternativ­e I can use instead?

AWe agree – having the option to switch to a dual-pane or a browser-like tabbed view in File Explorer would be useful, but Microsoft hasn’t seen the light. You can crowbar features like tabs into File Explorer using an extension called Clover 3. But we don’t recommend it, because it can make other Windows tools stop working.

Instead, try installing a non-microsoft alternativ­e to File Explorer that supports the features you need. Free options include Explorer++ ( https://explorerpl­ Doubleclic­k the tab bar or press Ctrl+t to open a new one. If you prefer a dual-pane layout, you can try AB Commander ( and Winnc (, but they aren’t free. AB Commander is £30 and Winnc will set you back £25.

Our favourite free option is Multi Commander ( http:// multicomma­, pictured). It has a customisab­le interface – you can choose from a Windowslik­e look, or a more Multi Commander style (or a blend of the two). With a dual-pane layout, it includes powerful file-management tools, such as folder comparison, a built-in compressio­n tool, and the ability to add colours to quickly identify types of files or recent additions. There’s even a portable version of Multi Commander, if you prefer.

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