Closer (UK)

‘I’m as slim as I was on my wedding day’


Office manager Margaret Moss,

60, from Sutton, lives with her husband Peter, aged 63. She says, “I was very slim growing up, and when I married Peter aged 18, I wore a beautiful size 10 white silk dress, with lace and a high collar. But soon after we married, my weight began to fluctuate. At first, it was only by a few pounds, but it quickly increased.

“I ate healthily, didn’t have a sweet tooth and regularly exercised, but my waistline kept growing. It felt like I was battling my own body, so in my late twenties, I asked my GP for help. Blood tests showed I had a borderline underactiv­e thyroid, which meant my metabolism was slower than normal, so I didn’t burn calories as quickly and gained weight very easily. But it wasn’t serious enough for medication, and I continued to battle with my weight, often trying different diets that never worked. I put on a bubbly persona, but I was miserable inside.


“Everything changed in July 2019, when my doctor finally agreed to prescribe thyroid medication. After getting used to taking the tablets, I vowed 2020 would be my year – and in early March, I joined LighterLif­e. It was a very low-calorie diet and recommende­d for anyone who had a lot of weight to lose. So while it was extreme, I knew it would give me the results I needed.

“I was shocked at the first weigh-in, when I tipped the scales at 17st 7lb – too heavy for my 5ft 7in frame – but now that I was on medication, I felt so determined.

“I knew that if I stuck to my meal replacemen­t packs of

600 calories daily, and drank four litres of water a day, I’d achieve my goals. In the first week, I lost 10lb.

“Just 10 days after starting my diet, lockdown was announced, but I wasn’t worried. Staying at home meant I didn’t have to worry about turning down invitation­s for meals out. And I decided to ditch alcohol too.


“My LighterLif­e classes moved online too, and I started twiceweekl­y online exercise classes.

“Peter was so supportive and by November 2020, I’d lost 6st 6lb and weighed 11st 1lb. I was so happy to have achieved my goal; I felt like a new woman. There would be some days when I’d look in the mirror and I wouldn’t recognise myself!

“I still have some

LighterLif­e products but mainly stick to a high-protein diet. I love a spinach and mushroom omelette for lunch and chicken stir-fry for dinner.

“At the end of last year,

I had to go up into the loft to get my old size 10 clothes! I couldn’t believe that I’d started lockdown a size 20, and now, I’m proud to say I’m the same size as I was on my wedding day. I can’t wait to get back out into the real world and show everyone my transforma­tion.” By Alexandra Meyer

 ??  ?? LOST: 6st 6lb
Size 10
she put Margaret says
persona on a bubbly but was miserable
On her wedding day, aged 18
LOST: 6st 6lb Size 10 she put Margaret says persona on a bubbly but was miserable On her wedding day, aged 18

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