Closer (UK)

‘I was nervous but I had to help’


STORE MANAGER CLAIRE KNIGHT, 30, IS SINGLE AND LIVES IN DUNDEE. SHE SAYS: “Soon after we met, Dionne and I became best friends – we had a laugh, going to the cinema or out for meals.

“As we got to know each other, Dionne told me about her health problems and it really worried me. When I learnt she was deciding what type of dialysis she’d need to go on, and whether to go on to the transplant list, I knew straight away I wanted to help by donating.

“Of course, I was nervous about the idea of the operation, but I wasn’t scared about the risks. I just knew I wanted to help my best friend and it was the right thing to do. It was a huge decision, but I knew how it would all work after I spoke to the surgeon. He told me that I was at risk of high blood pressure or kidney failure myself and – in the worst case – even death. It was scary to hear, but I knew I wanted to go ahead. The risks were worth it to help my best friend.


“When I realised I was a blood match, I was thrilled and so was Dionne. Both our family and friends were really supportive of the whole process.

“Dionne was worried about me, of course, because it’s such a big operation, and I was really nervous. She dropped me off at the unit beforehand and we both sobbed as we said goodbye.

“But four hours later I woke up and was feeling absolutely fine. Dionne’s op took much longer than we were told and I was worried. It was a relief to hear she was OK.

“It’s been a really slow recovery and I’m still in quite a bit of pain, but I’m focusing on the future. We’ve even got a trip planned to London to celebrate the six-month anniversar­y of the transplant. I’m just glad Dionne finally has a future to look forward to.”

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