Chichester Observer

Innovative pillow transforms lives of over 200,000 people!

A father’s love and devotion leads to incredible patented pillow


ANEAR tragedy has led to an amazing new developmen­t in sleep technology. When Georgia Miles was recovering from a life-threatenin­g accident, her father Alexander looked everywhere for a pillow that would keep her comfortabl­e throughout the night.

After purchasing dozens of different types and finding none that worked, Alex, a renowned furniture and domestic product designer, decided to engineer his own.


He made a breakthrou­gh when he realised that all pillows spread out and flatten down as the weight of the head rests on them. This flattening progresses through the night, leaving the head and neck poorly supported – and sleep interrupte­d. This is why many people find themselves half awake and ‘pillowpunc­hing’ in the middle of the night, desperatel­y trying to get comfortabl­e.


The innovative model that Alex designed has internal ties that hold the filling in place, and pull the pillow in and up to cradle the head and neck.

This provides extra comfort and support that lasts through the night and ensures that you get the most benefit from an undisturbe­d sleep.

I can honestly say that your pillow has made the world of difference… and fully endorse your pillow as being quite unique in its ability to maintain support throughout the night.

Dr Deane Halfpenny Harley Street Consultant and Spinal Pain Specialist


Actor Rula Lenska loved the Gx pillow so much that she contacted Gx to say exactly that. She said that ‘she was so surprised and delig h t ed t hat something advertised as life changing could turn out to be exactly as described.’ Having suffered from chronic neck and back pai n she added that ‘the pillow made a big difference and was positively magical for my neck.’

Made in the UK, the Gx Pillow comes in a choice of two levels

of support: Medium-soft, which most people seem to prefer, or Medium-firm for those who like a little more resistance. Alex’s desperate desire to help his daughter Georgia has led to a pillow

that has also transforme­d the lives of thousands of people. So if you have spent a lifetime looking for the perfect pillow, your search may well be over!

INFORMATIO­N: gxpillows/0800 316 2689

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 ?? ?? Alexander Miles, inventor of the Gx Pillow pictured with his invention
Alexander Miles, inventor of the Gx Pillow pictured with his invention

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