Chichester Observer

Land’s End to John o’ Groats fundraiser

- Rod Humphrey Rod’s 874 Miles in Andy’s Shoes

What is Rod’s 874 Miles in Andy’s Shoes?

It is a virtual walk that I am doing to support my friend Andy and people like him who suffer from motor neurone disease (MND). I am hoping to raise £10,000 for the Motor Neurone Disease Associatio­n by walking the equivalent of Land’s End to John o’ Groats.

What motivated you to (quite literally) get off your backside and help?

I’ve had three heart attacks and 18 years ago I had a triple heart bypass. It’s only because of research that I had that operation – without it I doubt I’d be here. But with MND there is no treatment and no cure. It’s desperate; there’s nothing wrong with the sufferer’s mind, but it is a debilitati­ng, fast-progressin­g and incurable disorder of the motor neurones. It’s so cruel. Andy is married to Jodie and they have three young children. Sufferers like Andy quickly struggle to manage everyday tasks. I’ve been so moved by Andy’s situation. I’m looking at a guy with three kids who’s unlikely to live long enough to see his youngest become a teenager. If I can do something to help, I will.

How are you covering the mileage?

By walking up to 12 miles every day. I’ve always loved being out in the fresh air and I’m blessed in being able to walk in our beautiful local countrysid­e with my dog, Bramble, and my wife Lesley. I’m almost 73, but having lost weight during the first lockdown by cutting down on carbs and walking every day, I’m now able to walk comfortabl­y for three hours most days. In July we hope to be in Scotland to walk the last few miles into John o’ Groats. I’m not keen on crowds, so I tend to walk in the country rather than in and around towns. I plot my route every day, trying to vary it a bit. When the restrictio­ns allow we’ll drive out a bit and start from different spots. I love noticing things like the first snowdrops popping up and the different birds. I tend to listen to what’s around me rather than listening to music when I walk.

All charities have been badly impacted by Covid. Should we be trying harder to support them?

Yes – it really does make a difference. If every working adult gave a fiver or an hour of their time every week it would make a huge difference to charities. What you need is a lot of people giving a little. I’m a Freemason and ours is a philanthro­pic organisati­on, but the idea is that you give what you can afford.

What should novice walkers kit themselves out with?

Waterproof boots (and to keep them waterproof make sure you clean them), a pair of gaiters a coat and a stick. Then off you go.

How can people support you?

You can find me on Facebook at 874 Miles in Andy’s shoes and the Justgiving page is www.­g/ Rod-humphrey4a­ndy

For more informatio­n about Motor Neurone Disease: www. mndassocia­

 ??  ?? Rod Humphrey and Bramble
Rod Humphrey and Bramble

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