
“Arthritis was crippling me… but Fx-silica has completely given me my life back”


LANDSCAPE GARDENER Stan Hitchen, believes that the properties of FXSilica gel have made him pain free and independen­t once again. GEORGE TAYLOR investigat­es.

At the age of 63 you’d think that Stan Hitchen would start to think about taking life a little easier. However he’s just finished a complete renovation of his new home and not content with that, he’s also designed and landscaped his garden to create ‘a little piece of heaven’. This is all quite amazing considerin­g Stan has been suffering from crippling arthritis for the last eight years!

“Arthritis runs in the family… we’ve all suffered with it” Stan tells me as we sit on the decking in his garden. “I knew I’d get it and after forty years of gardening everyday it finally struck!”


Stan suffered with crippling pain and stiffness in his hands and knees, which meant delegating all of the physical work, which he always relished, to his younger staff. “It was heartbreak­ing. I felt so useless and started to have bouts of depression. The anti- inflammato­ries and pain killers from the doctor hardly had any effect and the physio treatments only relaxed the joints for a short while after each session.”


Then, two years ago, Stan and his wife, Jeannie, moved into their dream house. The house needed a lot of work and the garden was a ‘bomb site’ as Stan puts it. However they could see the enormous potential and set about slowly doing up the house.

This is when Stan’s arthritic pain became excruciati­ng, to the point that he could hardly keep a grip on a hammer! And then, to make things worse, Jeannie fell from a ladder and broke her hip very badly. She spent eight weeks in hospital and all the work on their dream home came to a grinding halt.

It was during a visit to the hospital, whilst sitting in the cafeteria with his brother, that Stan’s own medical problems were about to change. His brother Geoff, also suffered with the ‘family arthritic curse’ but had recently found remarkable pain relief by using a soothing gel called Fx-silica.

Stan had tried just about every pill and cream on the market. But Geoff assured him that Fx-silica was definitely worth a try, after all it had worked for him. It was a ‘massive breakthrou­gh’ in his battle with arthritic pain.

Stan said he had nothing to lose so he ordered two tubes to give it a go. Two days after receiving them he ordered another four tubes!


“Within minutes of applying the gel to my hands and knees I could feel such soothing relief. It was like the stiffness and pain was melting away. I was worried the sensation would quickly wear off quickly but for the next couple of hours I finished tiling the bathroom before visiting Jeannie. Even then, the drive to the hospital was the best feeling behind the wheel I’d had in years. No pain at all in my hands, knees and back.”

Incredibly after years of pain, Stan is now free from his arthritic nightmare. He also had a derelict house and garden to get on with, and enough Fx-silica to keep him moving without pain. Over the next five weeks he worked all day long, as if he were 21 again! He finished off the jobs in the house and then completely landscaped the garden. He even found the time to build a den at the end of the garden for when his grandchild­ren come to visit.


He had the house and the beautiful new garden all ready for when Jeannie came home from hospital. There’s now a photo sitting proudly on the mantlepiec­e showing Jeannie’s wonderful and tearful reaction when she saw all the work Stan had done.

Hearing Stan’s story, it’s clear that Fx-silica has changed his life. Gone are the bouts of depression and he now looks forward to enjoying his old age in the house of his dreams and tending to the garden that he loves with all his heart!

Fx-silica is available from Health Broadcast Ltd for £24.95. To order call their freephone 0808 208 0312. You can try FX- Silica without risk, as they offer a 90-day money-back guarantee policy. If you’re not happy at any time within the 90 days you can simply return the tubes, even if empty or used and receive a full refund.

 ??  ?? Stan Hitchen has finallybr oken the ‘familycurs­e’ of arthritis.
Stan Hitchen has finallybr oken the ‘familycurs­e’ of arthritis.

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