Campbeltown Courier

Thought for the Week

- With Marilyn Shedden

THE AIR seemed filled with house martins. They wheeled and swooped graciously, narrowly missing our heads as they flitted past us exploring their old nests.

We had been thrilled to share our home with them and the swallows these past years, and were delighted when they returned once again.

The nest at the back of the house was almost intact, but the one at the front had mostly disintegra­ted.

We so hoped they would build again, and to our joy, they did.

It is absolutely amazing to watch them build the family home. Beakful by beakful they apply little bits of mud to the wall until the most wonderful nest is completed.

Once the building is finished two little heads pop out of the nest, and I am sure they are feeling a great sense of achievemen­t.

So at present, we have three house martin nests on the walls and at least two pairs of swallows nesting in the outhouses.

Soon the eggs will be laid and in time the chicks will hatch.

We love to watch the flying lessons as the young ones gain confidence to face the bigger world.

They are relatively safe here.

But when they go, we worry about their journey back to Africa.

Along with the natural hazards they face, it seems quite incomprehe­nsible that some people shoot them for food. How much eating can possibly be in a house martin?

So we will enjoy them now and hope that next year on a sunny day in April we shall see them once again, hunting for insects over our village, amid the deep blue skies of spring.

There is still beauty and hope in the world.

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