Cambridge News

Images released after break-in at museum

No: 45,410

- By TOM BURNETT @TomBurnett­88 The CCTV footage from the museum

POLICE have released CCTV footage after two Bronze Age artefacts made of gold were stolen from Ely Museum.

A gold torc and a gold bracelet were stolen between midnight and 2am on Tuesday (May 7).

The torc had been found in East Cambridges­hire by a metal detectoris­t, and is considered to be the best found in England in more than a century.

The gold bracelet is around 3,000 years old and was also found in the area.

Detective Inspector Kiri Mazur said: “We have released this CCTV, not in the hope someone will recognise the figures, but to try to jog memories and encourage anyone with informatio­n to come forward.

“We are focused on identifyin­g the offenders, tracing the items, and returning them to their rightful place and are working closely with staff at Ely Museum to follow all lines of inquiry.

“I am very keen to hear from anyone who may be able to provide informatio­n or who saw two people on e-scooters in the vicinity of the museum, car park and pedestrian walkways at the back of the museum, the council offices and the Grange Car Park, between midnight and 2am on Tuesday.”

Elie Hughes, curator at Ely Museum, said: “We are devastated by the loss to the museum and to the local heritage of the region.

“It is a huge blow after the incredible support from the community in acquiring the torc in 2017.

“As a culturally significan­t object, it cannot be replaced. Our priority now is working with the police to locate the stolen objects.”

Anyone who has any informatio­n is asked to report it by calling 101, quoting Operation Lacunar, or online at about/ cor/ tell- us- about- existing-case-report, or by calling Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y on 0800 555111.


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