Caernarfon Herald

Thought for the week

- Fr. John Saleeb.

IN November we remember those who offered their lives in war for their nation.

This commemorat­ion is an ethical and a social virtue that speaks to us.

Firstly of the value of faithfulne­ss and loyalty which is highlighte­d by the act of remembranc­e. Its significan­ce increases as time passes and we grow to appreciate the freedoms such sacrifice maintained for us. It is important that our heroes and our dear ones are not forgotten. Secondly, rememberin­g these historic events provides lessons for the present and the future. For example, the emphasis on loving our country highlights the importance of giving priority to the common good rather than to personal interests, even to the extent of offering our lives!

Moreover, we should value the peace we enjoy and to be keen to protect it. Wars have created and are still creating tragedies as we see so sadly in Ukraine at the moment. In this era of globalizat­ion everyone feels the blaze of the fire of a war even if it is hundreds or maybe thousands of miles away from our own home. In a time of crisis we feel the need to show solidarity with its victims and to be united ourselves.

Finally, the act of remembranc­e is also valuable for our faith. The biblical epistle to the Hebrews exhorts us, “Remember your leaders, those who spoke the word of God to you; consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” Those who walked on the road of faith before us are an inspiratio­n for us to imitate their footsteps. They assure us that what they have achieved can be achieved by us and we give thanks for the part they have played in our lives.

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