Burton Mail

Half of UK to ‘get vaccine by May’


MORE than half of all UK adults should receive a coronaviru­s vaccine by May, the Government has announced, as the jabs rollout was buoyed by studies suggesting they are safe and effective against a new strain.

Downing Street confirmed the vaccine programme planned to reach all those aged 50 and over, as well as adults aged 16-65 in an at-risk group, by May – having previously said it aimed to do so “by the spring”.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock warned that “lots of things have got to go right” to hit the goal, including supply, but he said he was “sure” it was achievable. More than 10.9 million first doses have already been given.

According to the Government’s vaccines delivery plan, some 32 million people across the UK are estimated to fall into the first nine groups. There are 52.7 million people aged 18 and over in the UK.

The target was disclosed as the Cabinet Office announced that local elections in England and Wales would go ahead as planned on May 6 – though voters will have to wear face coverings and will be asked to take their own pen or pencil to mark their ballot.

It will be seen as indicative of lockdown restrictio­ns easing in the spring, with reports that outdoor team and individual sports, as well as outdoor gatherings, could be possible within weeks of a planned return of schools from March 8.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has faced sustained pressure from some Tory backbenche­rs to relax the measures as soon as possible, but scientists advising the Government have warned against opening up too quickly.

Professor Graham Medley, chairman of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling, said ministers should “make decisions dependent on the circumstan­ces, rather than being driven by a calendar of wanting to do things”.

But Mark Harper, chairman of the Covid Recovery Group, made up of lockdownsc­eptic Conservati­ve MPS, said it will be “almost impossible to justify having any restrictio­ns in place at all” by the time the top nine groups have been vaccinated.

In a sign that the current measures are working, the reproducti­on number, or R value, of coronaviru­s transmissi­on across the UK fell to between 0.7 and 1, according to the latest Government figures – down from between 0.7 and 1.1 last week.

And estimates from the Office for National Statistics have suggested about one in 65 people in private households in England had Covid-19 between January 24 and 30 – compared with one in 55 the previous week.

However, a further 1,014 people died within 28 days of testing positive for Covid19 as of yesterday and there were another 19,114 lab-confirmed cases of coronaviru­s in the UK.

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