Bristol Post

Court Ex-partner who left woman living in fear jailed

- Tristan CORK

AWOMAN who has been left living in fear after her ex-partner subjected her to three years of abuse has spoken of her ordeal after he was jailed

The woman, who we are not naming, said she resorted to taping up her letterbox at night because she feared Tyler Thornhill would try to set her house on fire.

The full extent of the physical and mental abuse came to light in court earlier this year, before Thornhill, from Bristol, was eventually jailed last week.

Police said the 24-year-old, from Standfast Road in Henbury, subjected the woman to three years of abuse, and praised her strength in coming forward and reporting it.

Thornhill pleaded guilty to two counts of ABH and two counts of criminal damage at his ex-partner’s home, and the judge at Salisbury Crown Court, sentenced him to 30 months in prison, with a ten-year restrainin­g order.

The court heard Thornhill forced his way into his ex-partner’s home on Valentine’s Day in 2023 armed with a baseball bat, and grabbed her around the throat before taking some belongings.

In a statement read out in court, his victim said: “I constantly check multiple times through the night that doors are locked, curtains are shut, lights are off and even go as far as sellotapin­g the letterbox in fear that he would set fire to my house while I was asleep.

“I never thought I would find the courage to report the abuse simply because I was too scared to find out the repercussi­ons, he promised me that there was no place I could run or hide to where he wouldn’t be able to get to me,” she added.

But the woman did come forward and Thornhill was arrested. Her bravery to speak out was praised by local crime investigat­or Suzanne Stone, from Wiltshire Police.

“Thornhill put his victim through three years of abuse, including physical and mental,” she said. “His behaviour and actions caused her to be in fear of repercussi­ons, to the point they would not sleep and even caused them to move home.

“The impact of all these things stripped the victim of their confidence and trust, something which should never be allowed to happen to anyone. I welcome the sentencing that has been given to the suspect, especially the ten year restrainin­g order that has been put in place. I hope the victim can now finally start to feel safe, and begin to move forwards with their life.

“Thornhill’s victim has shown great strength throughout the investigat­ion. I commend her bravery for reaching out and standing up to this unacceptab­le behaviour. I urge anyone in any situation where they are being subjected to abuse to seek help and support, and stand up to the perpetrato­rs of these crimes,” she added.

 ?? ?? Tyler Thornhill has been jailed after subjecting a woman to three years of abuse
Tyler Thornhill has been jailed after subjecting a woman to three years of abuse

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