Bristol Post

Man banned from contacting former partner is jailed


A SCAFFOLDER who breached an order to have no contact with a former partner has been jailed.

James Hodgson was handed the order by the Family Court in April last year, Bristol Crown Court heard.

But he was convicted of repeatedly messaging her.

The 31-year-old, of no fixed address, was found guilty of breaching the order in August and September last year but admitted breaches in March this year.

Judge James Patrick jailed him for two years, which included activation of a previously suspended 26 weeks’ term.

The judge told him: “You had a court order banning you from contact with your former partner. You ignored that. You had a suspended sentence. You ignored that. You committed other offences, you were arrested and bailed and you contacted her again.”

The judge handed Hodgson a restrainin­g order of five years, 10 months, ordering him to have no communicat­ion with named parties.

Ehsan Oarith, prosecutin­g, said Hodgson called and messaged his former partner in disregard of an order banning contact.

After pleading not guilty to breaches a trial was set but he failed to attend and was convicted in his absence.

The court heard he messaged the complainan­t further in March this year. The complainan­t told the court events had had a big affect on her health and well-being and she was left with trust issues.

Catherine Spedding, defending, said: “He is not the most sophistica­ted person. He questions his knowledge of the full extent of

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