Bristol Post

Calculatio­ns incorrect


✒ LETTER writer Peter Smith (September 27) is making a wrong assumption in his 37/63% Brexit vote calculatio­n.

On a daily basis, from local club committees to boards of directors of major companies, it is accepted that not everyone can have their own way, and so voting takes place to determine what is actually going to be done. In these situations when someone abstains they accept that they have opted out of the decisionma­king process.

Out of a total electorate of 40.65 million people, 12.92 million opted out of voting and therefore from the decision-making process and it is a gross distortion to lump them in with the Remainers as Mr Smith has done.

Voting at all levels in our society is one of the fundamenta­l requiremen­ts of a democratic way of life and ensures that the “will of the majority is done”.

The referendum was absolutely clear in its result in showing what the will of the majority of the decision-making public was.

If our Parliament was operating on a truly democratic basis all MPs and political parties should have swung in together to deliver that verdict of the electorate.

Instead we now have anarchy, and the repudiatio­n of Parliament­ary democracy is by the MPs themselves who have failed to deliver the will of the electorate.

It should have been the parliament­ary “referee” John Bercow, left, who stepped in to ensure that democracy was practised, but he has aided and abetted the anarchy that we now see before us.

The other major feature of a democracy is that the ordinary person in the street (the electorate) can remove a politician or party from power if they do not like what they are doing by not re-electing them at the next election.

Sadly, this cannot be done with the EU where the the presidents and the commission­ers are not elected by the ordinary person.

The EU is therefore essentiall­y an undemocrat­ic organisati­on where people are told what to do. I can only assume that the Remainers cannot think for themselves and just love being told what to do. John Spiller Long Ashton

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