Blairgowrie Advertiser

Impossible to keep politics out of this

- Dear Editor Derek Balloch, Blairgowri­e

I am writing regarding the story in last week’s Blairgowri­e Advertiser about the proposals for possible additional flagpoles in the Wellmeadow.

Nearly everything that happens around us DOES have some form of political bent to it, whether it is a local, regional, Scottish or UK issue.

The Saltire has sat proudly in the Wellmeadow for many, many, years, promoting and stating the fact that Blairgowri­e and Rattray is a Scottish burgh.

When the Union Flag was raised on the death of Prince Philip, it was clearly stated that it was TEMPORARY. Yet here we are now debating whether an additional Union Flag should be PERMANENT! With an added community flag offered to avoid it all looking as political, when it obviously is.

This is without doubt politicall­y led, with both a Conservati­ve councillor and an SNP councillor being the only people quoted in the Blairie for comment, each with opposing thoughts.

People from outside Scotland who come to Blairgowri­e want to see ‘Scottishne­ss’ and we should be proud of that. The flying of the Saltire in the Wellmeadow represents that Scots feeling of pride in our beautiful nation.

Let’s keep it as it is, with the blue and white cross of St Andrew, flying proudly, without the need for a UK flag.

Other than this letter, how do you show your opinion? How do you get the online survey? Only on Facebook. Many, many people however, do not follow the community Facebook page or use Facebook, some people do not take the Blairie. Is it hoped that few people respond and the three flag option just passes through?

I really hope not.

I also feel that the way the survey is laid out is biased towards the three flag option – why not have a two flag option, the Saltire and a community flag?

But that option is not available. Why not?

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