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Blairgowri­e Parish Church


The introit commencing morning worship on Sunday was taken from the hymn, Only On God Do Thou, My Soul, Still Patiently Attend, after which Rev Harry Mowbray gave his welcome and intimation­s.

Following the hymn, Great is Thy faithfulne­ss, prayers of approach and confession were said.

The minister told the children that he had something special to do and continued by saying that, just like the school classes, Boys’ Brigade, the church also has leaders. Sunday saw new leaders welcomed into the church.

The ordination and admission of new elders then took place. They were: Wilma Gibb, Brenda Kerr, Margaret Conroy, Martha and Alec Easton, Mary and Alastair Macdonald and Wendy McLaggan.

Mr Mowbray said that each one is given the gift of the spirit and God works through different people in different ways. The new elders were given the right hand of fellowship and welcomed into the Kirk Session.

Between the hymns, I, The Lord Of Sea And Sky and Take My Life, Lord, Let It Be, the Scripture readings from Galatians ch 1, v 1-12 and Luke ch 7, v 1-10 were read by Jim Gibb.

The minister commenced his sermon by asking how often people watch the news or read the papers and only pay attention to the headlines. He said Sunday’s scripture reading could be like that, with the headline ‘Centurion Slave Healed By Jewish Rabbi’.

The heart of the story is not about the healing of the slave but rather the faith of the centurion who, though accustomed to being in command, had an amazing humility in the presence of true greatness. Normally in the gospels, Jesus does and says things that surprise people; this is one of the few places where Jesus himself is surprised. This centurion had come to love and respect the Jewish people; he loved his servant and did not want him to die. The strands of the story are authority, faith and humility.

The new Kirk Session elders have a leadership role and authority to take certain decisions on behalf of the congregati­on. They are called to accept authority in the church’s courts, authority accepted in humility, knowing that the authority comes by faith. They are encouraged to be shepherds of the flock from a real desire to serve.

The headline for Sunday morning could well have been ‘Blairgowri­e Parish Church Appoints New Elders’ but the underlying story is much deeper. In our act of ordination and admission recognise that Christ calls all to share in his ministry. God’s Kingdom is not just in Blairgowri­e but wherever Christ’s church is worshippin­g God and serving God’s people.

The hymn, Beauty For Brokenness was then sung and Prayers of Thanksgivi­ng and Intercessi­on were said. The service was brought to a close with the hymn, Christ Is Our Light, and the benedictio­n.

Musical offerings by organist Lex Dunlop included: Prelude in G Major - Stanford, Chorale Prelude ‘Abide, O Dearest Jesus’ - Flor Peters and Toccata - Georgi Mushel.

On Saturday this week, elders are reminded to meet at 2pm to prepare the church for the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The Events Support Group is having a Beetle Drive, starting at 7pm, when members will host Mission Partners Rob and Ritu Jones. Entry is £2.50 for adults and £1.25 for children.

The Sacrament of Holy Communion will take place at 11am and 2.30pm on Sunday this week.

Ushers this Sunday: Beadle, Kirsty Spittal, Communion Duty Team. Creche: Joy Kearns and Anne Dow. Tea rota: Elizabeth Porter, Helen Theaker and Liz Lonsdale.

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