Birmingham Post

Staying in shape shouldn’t make you depressed and unhappy

Ex-reality TV star Mark Wright has altered his approach to health and fitness. LIZ CONNOR asks him all about it

- GAVIN To find out more, visit charlesdow­ or see my chat with Charles on Instagram @diarmuidga­vin

EVER wondered how Mark Wright stays in shape? Well, aside from a pretty intense training schedule as a profession­al footballer for Crawley Town, the ex-Towie star has another secret up his sleeve.

Mark, 34, swears by high-intensity interval training (HIIT) – and he’s so passionate about the method, he’s been sharing his no-equipment workouts with his 1.8 million Instagram fans every weekday morning throughout lockdown.

Along with his brother Josh, he’s also just launched his new fitness app, Train Wright (thisistrai­, which features various programmes to help people looking to lose weight, build muscle and burn fat.

Here, Mark talks to us about finding inspiratio­n in lockdown, and how his approach to keeping fit and healthy has changed...


“I’m someone who loves to keep fit and I usually find it easy to stay motivated, but last lockdown I found myself just laying on the sofa. It got to the point where I hadn’t trained for two or three weeks, even though I had loads of time on my hands.

“I booked a live class on my Instagram, which meant I had to commit to it. I found that it gave me a bit o f structure, which is why I kept doing it for five days a week with my audience. “Working out just gives me the mental boost to keep cracking on. “The #TrainWrigh­t series grew from there, and I started inviting celebrity friends to join in too.”


“I remember getting fit for a shoot and I went all out with my diet and training. Looking back, I was stressed, I was hungry, and I was really unhappy for six weeks. I didn’t have the energy I needed, and I wasn’t taking care of myself in terms of nutrition. That was definitely a mistake.

“I now know that it’s about being happy in life. Yes, training is great, but the minute it interferes with happiness elsewhere and it stops you living your life, is when you need to take a step back. Don’t push yourself to the point where you’re getting upset and depressed with it. That’s my biggest tip.”


“I haven’t really got a good balance at the moment, because I’m playing profession­al football. I’m doing football training three or four days a week, depending on match days, and then weight training when I get home.

“In a normal training period, when I’m not doing football, I’d wake up and do a HIIT session for 30-40 minutes, then I’ll try and fit in three or four weights sessions a week to keep toned.”


“Michelle does my HIIT and when I’m doing a live, she’ll often do it in the other room. But when it comes to exercise, she likes to do a lot of Pilates and yoga, while I’ll do weights, so we don’t ever really train together. We’ll train at the same time and go to the gym together, and get our workouts out of the way so we can spend our day together, but we don’t really do the same stuff.”


“I just try to eat healthy. I eat organic food and lots of fish, and I don’t like to eat pork or red meat. That’s something that’s really changed for me over the years. When I was young and I used to diet, I never really cared about the quality of food, or the amount of fruit or veg I was getting. It was just about looking good. “Now, I make sure I have my ginger shot in the morning, I make sure I have my five a day, and I’m always eating carbs to give me energy. I enjoy putting good stuff into my body, as it makes me feel good.

“As you go on in fitness, you learn new things and you don’t ever want to go back to how you were before.”

I just try to eat healthy. I eat organic food and lots of fish. Mark Wright, above


“Even before Towie started, I’ve always been a bingedrink­er. Every weekend, I’d go out with the boys. Since lockdown, we haven’t been able to go out.

“Now I’ll have two beers on a Saturday night, and that’s about it. I actually don’t know how I’m going to go back to drinking the way we used to. I don’t think I’ll be able to go back to once a week; I think it’ll be once every six weeks instead.”

■ The Train Wright App is available to download via the App Store and Google Play. Visit thisistrai­

LAST week I had a chat with the wonderful Charles Dowding, a gardening guru who, since the 1980s, has pioneered ‘no dig’ organic gardening. I was curious as his methods have attracted a huge audience during lockdown.

People rave about Charles... but what’s his craft all about? It’s a way of gardening and a philosophy which does what it says on the tin – it’s about leaving soil undisturbe­d as much as possible, allowing all soil life, including microbes and earthworms, to proliferat­e and helps the delicate matrix that is soil structure to survive. Charles’s interest in growing his own veg started when he became a vegetarian at university. He began an organic market garden and was interested in the connection between the soil, plants and our own nutritiona­l health. He eschewed chemicals and fertiliser­s, believing if you get the biology of the soil right, your plants will access the nutrients they require.

He observed that other market gardeners were overrun with weeds such as chickweed and fat hen, which took a lot of time to dig up.

Moreover, he noted bare soil cleared of weeds will soon be covered with weeds again.

As he puts it: “I think of soil as a living organism. When the soil is disturbed, weeds are part of the ‘recovery’ process. Leave the soil alone and it becomes calmer.”

And when we dig over soil, we also bring seeds to the surface which germinate in the light. So, instead of digging, he buries weeds with a thick mulch of compost or layers of cardboard – anything from two to six inches deep, enough to block light from weeds which in turn suppresses their growth.

In the case of really difficult and invasive weeds such as bindweed which grows through the cardboard, he advises to keep pulling the plant out and persistenc­e will pay off.

Mulches he uses include garden compost, spent hops, coffee grounds, mushroom compost and horse manure.

As well as blanketing the weeds, this organic material creates a hive of activity in the soil, such as the earthworms which move through the soil digesting organic matter.

By doing this, you have left the original soil structure intact and enriched it as well.

This helps with drainage as well as water retention in dry periods. How can you implement this no-dig regime in your garden? Charles advises starting off small. Build a raised bed over your soil or lawn and fill it with compost. Small weed seedlings can be lightly hoed off in spring but just skim the surface with a light touch. This is best done on a dry day when weeds will shrivel up.

Others can be pulled by hand. The first year is the hardest with a proliferat­ion of slugs. But as things improve and the weeds disappear, your vegetable patch will actually become less work as you completely ditch that back-breaking digging.

I was hugely enthused by our chat – his certaintie­s are persuasive and his knowledge and experience are truly impressive. It simply makes sense to me... so much so that I’d like to embrace the concept and restrict digging to when it’s essential – for example when planting. We have to respect the soil – it’s our connection to the Earth and essential to our survival.

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? With wife Michelle Keegan on the red carpet
With wife Michelle Keegan on the red carpet
 ??  ?? Mark with his brother Josh
Mark with his brother Josh
 ??  ??
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 ??  ?? GENTLE: Charles Dowding is known for his organic approach
GENTLE: Charles Dowding is known for his organic approach
 ??  ?? LITTLE HELPERS: Earthworms can ease your load
LITTLE HELPERS: Earthworms can ease your load
 ??  ?? UPLIFTING: Growing lettuce on a raised bed
UPLIFTING: Growing lettuce on a raised bed

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