Birmingham Post

Councillor­s told not to cross line in debate

Members warned they could be disqualifi­ed over behaviour

- Gurdip Thandi Local Democracy Reporter

WALSALL councillor­s have been advised not to use extreme language during heated exchanges in the chamber – or face the consequenc­es.

Tony Cox, the council’s head of legal services, presented a case study to members of the standards committee this week which set out pitfalls councillor­s face if they cross the line.

The 2009 case involved a Flintshire County Council member being found guilty of 14 breaches of a code of conduct “by failing to show respect and considerat­ion for officers, using bullying behaviour, attempting to compromise the impartiali­ty of officers and conducting himself in a manner likely to bring his office or the council in disrepute”.

The councillor was disqualifi­ed from being a member of that council and any other authority for two and a half years. Mr Cox told Walsall members that the hearing looked at levels of proof and took into considerat­ion freedom of expression within the Human Rights Act.

But while all politician­s have an “enhanced protection”, particular­ly in the council chamber arena, Mr Cox urged them to conduct themselves respectful­ly to ensure they did not fall foul of existing laws.

Members of the committee said the public expected them to conduct themselves as councillor­s 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The move came as MPs faced scrutiny over their conduct overly heated during debates over Brexit in Parliament.

Mr Cox said: “The case I refer do is quite topical in terms of freedom of expression.

“In this case, they looked at the issue as it affects politician­s. There is an enhanced protection applied to all level of politics including locally. Article 10 protected not only the substance of what was said but also the form in which it was conveyed.

“In a political context, the immoderate, offensive, exaggerate­d and aggressive may be tolerated where it would not otherwise be.

“The courts recognise that politics is an emotive and passionate business and sometimes in our chamber, language can get quite heated and that is the nature of politics.

“They also noted that politician­s were subject to wider limits of acceptable criticisms – you’re in the public eye and are public figures.

“Politician­s are expected to be more thick skinned and tolerant. It was also said there should be enhanced protection for those who comment on politics and politician­s – most notably the press.

“Where indulge in

politician­s debate that

may can get quite heated there is a bigger zone of tolerance rather than for example in this case where politician­s use offensive language to an officer.

“As your monitoring officer, my advice would be to still act with courtesy to each other and try to avoid being insulting to each other.

“I have to say in general that the behaviour within the chamber as a whole tends to be within the bounds of acceptabil­ity.

“I thought it would be useful to set out this case and it is quite topical at the moment and while you have a wider zone of tolerance, that zone of tolerance only goes so far.

“I have always said local councillor­s have an incredibly difficult job and are often the first point of call when people are distressed.

“There is a very high level of expectatio­n on politician­s which is why I think we have to do our best as a local authority to uphold the best levels of conduct.”

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