
Will 2021 be another Royal annus horribilis?

With reports his own daughter has no recollecti­on of that Pizza Express party, is 2021 set to be Prince Andrew’s very own....


Prince Andrew’s eldest daughter, Princess Beatrice, 32, has no recollecti­on whatsoever of the Pizza Express party in Woking he apparently took her to on 10 March 2001 according to reports – which could cast doubt on her father’s alibi.

This particular date was one on which Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an alleged sex-traffickin­g victim of the late paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, claimed the Prince slept with her, when she was just 17 years old.

The family who hosted the party allegedly ‘can’t recall’ whether the Prince, 60, was there or not – and no pictures of him at the event have been released.

Holes have also been blown in his Newsnight statement about his trip to New York.

He told Emily Maitlis last year that he ‘definitely’ didn’t sleep at the Epstein’s pad.

But sources told the Daily Mail that the Queen’s second son was a guest at the tycoon’s Manhattan home in April 2001.

And, during the trip, it’s alleged that three hours were carved out for ‘private time’.

It was during the prince’s three-day trip to America that his accuser, Virginia, alleges she slept with the father-of-two for a second time, after a previous alleged encounter in London.

The paper’s explosive new revelation­s maintain that wellplaced sources confirm Andrew stayed at the £60 million home on the final night of his trip, in order to ‘save taxpayers’ money’.

The insiders quoted stressed that neither Epstein or British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell nor Miss Roberts Giuffre were at the property at the time. An official itinerary referred to in the article shows that the Duke spent the first night of his US trip at the residence of the British Consul General in New York.

He then flew to Boston for 24 hours before returning to New York and sleeping at a ‘private address’.

That address, it is alleged, was Epstein’s home near Central Park.

Prince Andrew has always ferociousl­y denied all the claims against him – and his ex-wife and the mother of his children, Sarah Ferguson, has defended him on many occasions – claiming she ‘won’t have his character defamed’.

As the controvers­y surroundin­g his links with Epstein continues, it looks like Prince Andrew’s car-crash 2020 could pale in insignific­ance in 2021...

best contacted Buckingham Palace for Beatrice’s response to the claims but, to date, has had no reply.

The family “can’t recall” whether the Prince was at the party or not

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Prince Andrew has always denied the claims against him
Prince Andrew has always denied the claims against him
 ??  ?? The Queen will no doubt be bracing herself for what’s to come
The Queen will no doubt be bracing herself for what’s to come

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