
Carol McGiffin: 2021? I’m embracing my inner rebel

THEWAY I SEE IT... Wise words from our feisty, fearless and funny columnist


‘Iknow I should be thinking about giving up booze, joining a gym, and going vegan for January but 2020 has been so full of deprivatio­n for anything enjoyable in life, I am instead considerin­g doing the exact opposite.

Only drinking on days ending in “y”, taking up a high-protein diet, burning my walking shoes, and why, I might even take up smoking again.

I’m joking, of course, because all of that would be way too damaging to my health, at a time when treatment for anything that isn’t Covid is mostly unobtainab­le.

So, because our “normal” lives are still a long way off, I’m going to spend 2021 living a simple, rebellious life, just like I did as a happy teen/twenty-something.

First, I’m going to get rid of my mobile phone and use my old one with a curly wire that you have to plug into the wall. That way, I’ll never be bothered by anything that doesn’t concern me, or anyone that doesn’t have my number. Even then, I will only be contactabl­e when I’m home.

Next, I’m going to stop watching all TV except the Gold channels or box-sets of Seventies sitcoms that haven’t had the humour ripped out of them for fear of “offending” a delicate, perpetuall­y upset “lefty” or young person.

Then I’m going to wear all my clothes and shoes until they need repairing. And finally, I’m going to buy an old petrol car from the knackers’ yard and drive it round until the exhaust falls off, then dump it in a cycle lane with the engine running.

Of course, I won’t do any of it, but just fantasisin­g about it might just keep me going until all of this is over. HAPPY NEW YEAR, FOLKS! See you on the other side!’

‘Don’t give up on your dreams – things do find a wayof working out!’

‘If t here’s one thing I’ve learned’

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V T K U , N O T S N H O J Y K C I N , Y T E G : S E R U T C I P

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