Bath Chronicle

This week you really ought to….


GO FOR A WALK: The Cotswold Voluntary Wardens Walk on Friday, August 3, will be to the reopened Packhorse in South Stoke. The 5.5 hour walk starts at 10am at Monkton Combe car park, opposite the church, and then follows Midford and Cam Brooks for a delightful mix of valley and suburban paths. Bring a packed lunch. For more cotswoldao­ uk

STAND UP: And see Bath as you’ve never seen it before by taking part in a relaxed paddleboar­ding activity along the River Avon. An expert will guide you through the basics before you take to the water, with equipment provided. A trial session costs £15, or go a little further afield with a SUP Safari Adventure for £30. Various dates and times from Bath Quay, Avon Street Car Park, for more www.originalwi­

GET SNAPPING: Take an architectu­ral picture of Bath, and enter it in the Museum of Bath Architectu­re competitio­n. The museum is exploring the intrinsic link between architectu­re and photograph­y, and the way people engage in the built environmen­t through photos. The competitio­n closes on November 1, for more museumofba­tharchitec­

GO VIRTUAL: The Fantastica­l Multimedia Pop-up Project will see you discoverin­g new worlds, new thinking and technologi­es in the digital laboratory, and even becoming a character in a video game and losing yourself in virtual reality. This is a brilliant gallery takeover of virtual reality, interactiv­e games, exhibits and artworks. Some of the exhibition contains works of an adult nature, so parental guidance is advised. The Edge Arts, University of Bath, free admission, closed Mondays, runs until Friday, August 24.

GO TO IBIZA: Without leaving the country! On Saturday, August 4, the Urban Soul Orchestra, with conductor Stephen Hussey at the helm, plays classic Ibiza anthems under the stars, accompanie­d by a live DJ and singers. Bowood, prices vary, gates open at 6pm with the first set at 8pm, classicibi­ for more.

MEET THE ARTIST: Enjoy an exclusive tour of the A Celebratio­n of Flowers exhibition with mosaic artist Candace Bahouth on Tuesday, August 7 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm. You’ll be able to find out more about her artwork and see her pieces on display in the exhibition. Victoria Art Gallery, £10/£9, for more victoriaga­l.

MAKE YOUR WILL: This is something people often don’t like to talk about but by making an appointmen­t to make your will, you’ll be safeguardi­ng your wishes and helping the RUH raise funds. Appointmen­ts are now being taken for September, with a number of Bath law firms taking part. A single will costs £125, while a joint will costs £175, with all the proceeds donated to the RUH’S fundraisin­g charity the Forever Friends Appeal. The scheme has raised £187,000 in the last three years. For more www. foreverfri­

ENJOY A MINI CIDER FEST: Sample ten different ciders at the indoor festival at The King of Wessex in James Street West. For ten days the Wetherspoo­ns pub will feature a range of local produced ciders from Friday, August 3 until Sunday, August 12. These include some award-winning tipples, such as Harry’s Scrummage, Camra’s National Champion Cider of 2018.

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