Ayrshire Post

Rescuer stunned at call- outs


A former Coastguard is calling for safety measures at the New Bridge.

Iain Brown volunteere­d at the Ayr branch between 2011 and 2016 and would

sometimes be called several times a month to people trying to jump off.

He said: “When I first joined the coastguard I couldn’t believe the amount of callouts for people trying to commit suicide. The majority of those were to New Bridge and the big problem is that despite there clearly being a serious issue it continues to be ignored.

“No measures have ever been taken in and around that river to make it safer.

“There are no life rings on or near that bridge – even just for people that are messing about drunk. If they aren’t able to grab onto the ring it can still help to identify where the person could be in the water. There’s no ladder access for emergency services, which is ridiculous. The fire brigade have to use their own.

“And despite the number of people who continue to attempt to jump from that bridge there aren’t even any Samaritan posters or leaflets in the pubs.

“These things simply have to be put in place, how long will it be allowed to go on for before something is done?”

The number of suicides in Scotland rose by 15% last year, according to official figures. 784 people committed suicide – with 65 of those in Ayrshire and 17 in South Ayrshire alone. Last Thursday marked World Mental Heath Day to raise global awareness of issues, including suicide.

* What do you think should happen at the New Bridge? Have you been affected by an incident there? Contact us on 01292 262200.

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