Ayrshire Post



The new session of Alloway SWI started with a welcome from President June Foreman.

Encouragin­gly five visitors joined members to listen to the fascinatin­g talk by Louise Bustard, the Education Officer from Glasgow Botanic Gardens, on the subject of ‘Plants that Cure’.

Her interest in the medicinal properties of plants was developed at Kew Gardens in London where she trained. Louise was a wealth of informatio­n telling us that almost all medicines are plant based and research continues to develop uses for all the chemicals within plants.

The Ginkgo Biloba tree has over 250 chemicals which are used medicinall­y and studies are ongoing to find further uses for them. Grated ginger with a spoonful of honey mixed in hot water relieves cold symptoms as does camphor oil. Feverfew helps migraine sufferers, aloe vera used externally soothes skin problems whether cuts, rashes or burns. These are just a few of the many useful tips given by this entertaini­ng speaker. VicePresid­ent Susan Stuart thanked Louise especially when she had had a difficult journey from Glasgow to be with us. Competitio­n results:- Lavender scone 1st June Foreman and 2nd Margaret Carson, Pot pourri bag 1st Marjory McCracken 2nd Eileen Rosenburgh and Flower of the month 1st Margaret Carson, 2nd Betsy White and 3rd June Foreman.

President June informed us that Alloway are entering all the team competitio­ns at the Ayrshire Federation Show in the Concert Hall in Troon on Saturday 20th October and hoped there would be a good attendance to enjoy seeing all the handcraft and baking entries.

Alloway Village Hall Coffee Morning will be held on Saturday 27th October and members were encouraged to support this venture by baking and helping with the teas.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 10th October at 7.30 in Alloway Village Hall when there will be a fun night of Commonweal­th Games. No monthly competitio­ns this time - all the competitio­n will be in the games.

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