Ayrshire Post

Gordy casts in evening win



Gordy Taylor won the first Wednesday Evening Match with 37lb.

Gordon Todd won the B League with 12lb.

Steven Murphy won the ACF Club Match with 28lb.

Mark Cook won the Sunday Sweep with 15lb.

All the matches were won off different Pegs.

Pellet and Worm are best Baits but the Carp are going through the spawning motions so fishing can be a little slow until the sun has gone down.

Fly Pond: Wullie Olssen released 50 Trout in only eight hours.

All fish were caught on emergers.

Alex Alison released 33 on the same day then 18 the next day in only a few hours.

Still big fish getting caught throughout the day despite the hot weather.

Mark Shillingla­w released a nice 14lb 5oz Rainbow.

Kenny Barrie released a 13lb 5oz rainbow.

Mick Davidson caught the resident Golden Trout and netted himself a nice £ 148 , thanks to a local company for donating £ 25 into the prize fund.

The Bait Pond got stocked with Rainbows , Brownies and Tigers.

Best Bait are Sweetcorn, Maggots and Worms.


The winner of the Senior Troutmaste­rs fish- off was Jack Johnston with four fish for 8lb 3oz.

The winner of the Junior Troutmaste­rs fish- off was Kian Roberts with three fish for 6lb 10oz.

Some of the catches as follows:

On the Fly Pond:

B. Reid 4 for 7lb 12oz, T. Boyle 4 for 9lb 10oz, G. Bickett 4 for 7lb 9oz, J. Bradley 4 for 7lb 8oz, S. Sherriff 4 for 7lb 7oz, The Rev 4 for 8lb, A. Kaya 2 for 3lb 14oz, S. Watters 7 for 14lb 7oz, J. Coultar 2 for 4lb 2oz, G. Douvivia 2 for 4lb 8oz, R. Japp 1 for 2lb 2oz, P. Wilson 1 for 2lb 4oz, Mr Gallacher 1 for 2lb 7oz, J. Johnston 2 for 4lb 2oz, R. Kinner 2 for 4lb, G. Sanderson 1 for 2lb 2oz, B. Sanderson 2 for 3lb 14oz, G. Frame 2 for 3lb 12oz.

On the Bait Pond: C. Brady 2 for 4lb, E. Brady 1 for 2lb 2oz, Mr Geovani 1 for 2lb, S. Wilson 1 for 1lb 10oz, G. Keirs 2 for 2lb 8oz, J. Watson 1 for 1lb 14oz, K. Paton 1 for 2lb, M. Luni 2 for 4lb, J. Murphy 2 for 3lb 8oz, Nuno 2 for 4lb, Ferrnando 2 for 4lb, Bruno 4 for 8lb 4oz, R. Spears 2 for 3lb 8oz, C. Duff 2 for 3lb 8oz, J. Irvine 2 for 4lb 4oz, Jack Irvine 1 for 1lb 14oz, J. Shields 2 for 3lb 14oz, Jordon Shields 2 for 4lb, Amy Vanderlees­t ( 9) 4 fish for 7lb 14oz, D. Paterson 4 for 7lb 8oz, R. Mancini 1 for 2lb.


Fish returns for May 20- 27: Tom Drummond 2 fish for 7lb ( 1 brown) P/ B Brandon Hempkin ( jnr) 2 fish for 5lb Worm, John Lothian 3 fish P/ B Billy Walker 1 fish ( brown) 4lb 8oz P/ B.

As usual, day tickets can be purchased at: Gamesport, Ayr; Bryson’s Garage, Prestwick; Newalls Newsagents, Monkton.

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