Ayrshire Post

Use money to save hotel


I am delighted to hear the infamous carbuncle has been rejected by the council due to people power.

I am hoping that this truly means that no office block on that site, of any shape or form, will ever appear there. Correct me if I am wrong but I was under the impression that when ideas for the improvemen­t of the town were mooted some time ago they did not include an office block. I seem to remember that site was to be an open area, overlookin­g the river, suitably landscaped wigth seats, etc, where visitors and townsfolk alike might enjoy spending some time. Am I right or did I dream this idea? Although pleased with the rejection, my main worry is that the site may remain as it is today for a considerab­ly long time.

That was the result when the Carrick Street Halls were demolished. This left many pensioners heartbroke­n as that venue formed a large and meaningful part of their lives and no alternativ­e replacemen­t to help with loneliness was provided.

Now we have, I believe, a crazy idea of the bus station moving to Burns Statue Square; the train station prised apart from the Station Hotel and rebuilt as a stand- alone hub; the hotel – well, a chunk – knocked down and the remainder, converted to homes.

What happened to the cry that it was in such a state it could not be cured? If something can be done with it now why not before? So where do we really go from here?

Would anyone really want to live in a house right next door to a bus station and a train station? I am sure the newly converted homes would not be as such an impressive building as the Station Hotel. Probably another carbuncle, I expect. Far better to put effort and our money into on TLC for the Station Hotel and keep its grandeur please.

Helen Liddell

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