Ayrshire Post

Stay healthy and active this winter


Christmas is quickly approachin­g, which for most is a joyous time of the year.

And while that may be the case for some, for others, the winter months can be tough times for people who can feel isolated in their homes for weeks on end.

According to the National Institute of Health, Christmas is the time of year that many people experience feeling the blues and even depression.

Hospitals and police forces report high incidences of suicide and attempted suicide.

Psychiatri­sts, psychologi­sts and other mental health profession­als report a significan­t increase in patients complainin­g about depression.

Some become anxious at Christmas because of the pressure to spend a lot of money on gifts and incur increasing debt and others report that they dread Christmas because of the expectatio­ns for social gatherings with family, friends and acquaintan­ces that they’d rather not spend time with.

And many people feel very lonely at Christmas, because they have suffered the loss of loved ones or their jobs.

It can be hard to avoid stress at this time of year but there are organisati­ons in Ayrshire who you can reach out to.

One project in East Ayrshire, the Community Health Improvemen­t Partnershi­p, CHIP, Van has been helping reach out to residents within the community for over 15 years.

This unique mobile healthy living centre, which is called the CHIP van, is eye- catching and aims to improve the health of communitie­s, support vulnerable groups and offer advice and support to individual­s.

And this winter board the CHIP Van to get a Health MOT and check up from the team of experts.

In South Ayrshire Strictly Seniors is an open event to take place in Ayr Town Hall on Friday, December 9.

Organised by the Voluntary Action South Ayrshire, VASA, Strictly Seniors will feature informatio­n from clubs and organisati­ons on how to keep active and healthy this winter time.

It’s a great way to find out about what activities are on in Ayrshire throughout the winter months too.

G etting out and about is important during the winter months or you could end up spending weeks in your house.

But mobility and fear of being unsteady on your feet can often be a trigger for people becoming housebound.

That’s when it’s time to seek profession­al advice about what mobility aids can help you become more mobile.

There are experts who can find the right aids to maintain your independen­ce.

If you are feeling Christmas is getting to much to cope with there are organisati­ons who can help you with advice and support all year round.

Breathing space is a free and confidenti­al phone line service for any individual who is experienci­ng low mood or depression. Call 0800 83 85 87 ( Weekdays: Monday to Thursday 6pm – 2am. Weekends: Friday to Monday 6pm – 6am).

You can talk to Samaritans at any time of the day or night on 08457 90 90 90 or visit www. samaritans. org where a team of counsellor­s can talk to you.

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