Ayrshire Post


- Evelyn Calder Joyce Mccamon Sylvia Mallinson

With castles, beaches, mountains, woodlands and more to explore right on our doorsteps, not to mention endless entertainm­ent options, there’s so much to enjoy within easy reach of our homes.

And when we asked you to tell us your favourite things to do for under a tenner as part of our brilliant competitio­n sponsored by Royal Bank of Scotland, there were no shortage of ideas for great ways to enjoy yourself with only a £ 10 note in your pocket.

Here, we round up some of the top suggestion­s from readers in Ayrshire..

said: “I love nothing better than spending a couple of hours walking round Rozelle Park in Ayr with the dogs, taking in all the amazing carved wooden sculptures, enjoying the views, feeding the ducks, watching the dogs find the muddiest puddles, and just chilling in such peaceful surroundin­gs.

“Then I finish it all off by sitting outside and Karyn McClymont recommends the “Fullerton woods fairly trail and park with a couple of ham sandwiches. My grandsons ( aged six and three) help make them before we go. Then it’s down to Troon seafront for ice cream. A cheap and cheerful day out!” spending my £ 10 at the Rozelle Tea Room, with a lovely lunch followed by homemade cake and a drink – sheer bliss.”

would use her tenner to take her kids to the Galleon Centre in Kilmarnock, adding: “Family fun night is £ 3 for all, with swimming, ice skating, badminton, gym and bouncy castles. What a choice!”

And Joyce would spend her change on a tub of Varani’s ice cream for her family to enjoy afterwards.

Louise Lymburn would spend £ 10 on the simple things in life: “Chips at Troon harbour watching the sunset… heaven.” Clare Hamilton Sneddon was among a number of readers who said they would spend their £ 10 on someone in need. She wrote: “Spending a tenner is easy to most of us – a magazine or two, a couple of bottles of wine, a takeaway meal, and on we go.

“Give a homeless person a tenner and see the real value – a sense of love and care shared with a stranger.

“A small difference made in a very lonely world. Love is priceless.”

has a very practical use for £ 10. She said: “It would allow us to purchase material for two outfits for our panto this December.

“We have 50 kids we need to dress to get them on stage and £ 10 would go a long way and create memories that they get to keep forever.”

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