Ayrshire Post

Stalker told to change or face jail term

Man followed ex out to Turkey


Sarah Jane McDonald A stalker has narrowly avoided jail after he unrelentin­gly hunted his ex- wife - years after they split.

Allan Howie, of Gilbert Burns Place, Mauchline, hung his head in the dock at Ayr Sheriff Court as his deeds were revealed – including turning up uninvited to a family holiday.

After separating in 2005, the abuse began when Howie discovered his former wife had begun a new relationsh­ip.

And despite the pair having a mutual agreement to continue contact on the basis of their children, he sent a barrage of abusive text messages and phone calls to her throughout October 2015.

After providing his ex with a lift to Glasgow Airport along with their two children, the 49- yearold left her horrified as he stood over her laughing two days later while she lounged by a hotel pool in Turkey.

The dad, who had not been invited to join the sunshine break, told other holidaymak­ers he was with his wife and children on the trip.

But his rampage continued, as he followed her to a friend’s home on January 19 this year, parking outside the house and imitating that he was taking pictures as she stood by a window.

And his pursuit did not stop there, as he sent up to 12 messages one day, brandishin­g her a s*** and a w**** during his cruel outbursts.

Police met with his former wife on February 23, who provided screen shots of the abuse and he appeared at Ayr Sheriff Court on May 12.

Howie’s defence solicitor told the court: “I have no doubt that he accepts full responsibi­lity for his actions, he remains in contact with his children and recognises his behaviour is not acceptable.”

Sheriff Mhairi McTaggart added: “He has to accept what he did, he was stalking this woman.

“The social worker will need to see a change in his attitude and if this doesn’t change, he is likely to go into custody.”

Howie will complete 160 hours of unpaid work, and has been handed a Non Harassment order on his former partner and will be supervised for 24 months.

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