Ayrshire Post

Alan Shaw Ads are better than the shows


When I was younger I remember getting really excited at this time of year because once Halloween and Bonfire Night were out the way it meant that the countdown to Christmas was on.

Of course, back then it was all about wondering what Santa would bring and, in particular, looking forward to getting the hardback ‘ annual’ versions of my favourite comics. As I got older though, the presents didn’t matter as much and I actually found myself looking forward to all the Christmas specials that were on television.

I’d buy the listings magazines to plan all my viewing weeks in advance, from Only Fools and Horses to One Foot in the Grave and whatever Noel Edmonds and Mr Blobby were up to and, of course, the big Christmas Day movies.

Recently though, Christmas TV has become less about the programmes and movies and more about the bits in between: the commercial­s.

It all started with that iconic ‘ Holidays are Coming’ advert for Coca Cola. At first it was just another ad but, after a few years, it became the ultimate sign that holidays were indeed coming.

Then department stores and supermarke­ts got in on the act or producing epic commercial­s – some of which had the same budget as a TV mini- series.

John Lewis has led the way over the past few years with adverts that have led to hit singles.

There have been tearjerker­s such as the Bear and the Hare advert from 2013 where Lily Allen did an amazing cover version of Keane’s “Somewhere Only We Know”. ( Mind you, there were complaints about this particular one with people saying you shouldn’t wake bears up from hibernatio­n).

Last week, everyone from department stores to supermarke­ts – even the budget ones – were releasing their adverts or at the very least teasing us with what’s to come from them this year, with a lot of them hitting our screens from this week.

So, now that Halloween and Bonfire Night are out the way it’s no longer the presents or Christmas specials I’m looking forward to – it’s all the Festive Commercial­s.

I’ll talk to you on West FM’s Home Run, Monday to Friday from 3pm!

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