Ayrshire Post

Winter run is good fun


Aye, we’re definitely well into cross- country season, and the weather is now catching up as this weekend saw us splashing through knee- deep mud in the lashing rain. There’s actually nothing I’d rather do but I know for some of you, it is more difficult to motivate yourself to get out the door in this weather. However I really do believe that there is no such thing as bad weather. Just different types of good weather. Running through the winter can help you beat the winter blues, boost your energy levels, and make sure you maintain a base fitness level for when the shorts weather eventually comes back round. Now is a good time to set yourself a running goal as this will hopefully help keep you motivated through the dark winter months. If you’re aiming to do a spring Marathon, now is the time to make the commitment and use the winter to put down a good base. Another way to stay motivated is to join a running group. If you have a set time when you run every week, you’re less likely to wimp out as you won’t want to let your running mates down ( or look weak). You might also feel safer running in the dark if you’re in a group. If an organised group doesn’t appeal to you then you can always try to rope in some friends or workmates to help motivate each other. The key to comfortabl­e winter running is to dress for the weather. You should head out wearing several thin layers so you can begin to discard them as you heat up. Hat and gloves will keep your extremitie­s warm and a light waterproof jacket is also invaluable for those wet days. And if you’re running on country roads or where lighting is poor, it really is essential that you wear bright colours or reflective gear to help you be seen. Of course, you could just join a gym and do your runs on the treadmill, but you spend so much time indoors throughout the winter I really think it is important to at least get some fresh air every day, even if it is just a short run to blow the cobwebs away. The thing that gets me through a lot of grim training sessions, is thinking of all of those people who have chosen to stay in the comfort of their homes. And then I smile as I think to myself that I will beat them next time we race. If nothing else, training through the bad weather makes you appreciate the good stuff when ( if) it does eventually show its face again. Jog on.

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