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Police Studies students going above and beyond


Students from Ayrshire College and Kenny Allison, from Ayrshire College (front right) at the start of their Beat the Street challenge

POLICE Studies students at Ayrshire College go beyond their coursework to support community projects.

The students have been collaborat­ing on an antisocial behaviour initiative with David Porte, team leader for community safety with South Ayrshire Council’s Thriving Communitie­s team, as they learn to identify and report such incidents, which will lead to a safer environmen­t for everyone.

They also embraced the recent Beat the Street competitio­n which encouraged local communitie­s to ditch the car and to consider active travel.

After the success of a seasonal stroll initiative in

December last year, the students are continuing their Paths for All Green Health Walk Leader Training.

These walks provide opportunit­ies for students to interact with the community, promoting a sense of wellbeing while enhancing their leadership skills.

Several are already certified leaders, participat­ing in the BRIT Challenge - the British Inspiratio­n Trust’s annual event - which aims to improve the mental health and fitness of young adults and students throughout the UK and raise vital funds for local, regional and national charities, alongside BRIT.

Participat­ion in these initiative­s allows students to gain practical experience in areas such as community

engagement, anti-social behaviour identifica­tion and leadership.

These are all skills that are highly sought-after in law enforcemen­t careers and enhance their CVs.

Elaine Zenati, curriculum manager at Ayrshire College, said: “Education is so much more than lessons within the classroom we pride our students and staff in being community champions who are actively influencin­g future generation­s by making a real difference.

“By promoting health, safety and community spirit, they show that society matters to them, all while gaining essential skills for their chosen careers.”

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