Autosport (UK)



Quite a long race with so few pitstops…

Yeah, it’s a very long race. I have to always respect the strategy that we planned and we didn’t want any single space so that other competitor­s use that opportunit­y [to undercut]. We always wanted to manage the tyres and the pace, make sure we always prepare for any situation.

The last three laps, I enjoyed it because I got told I could push flat out, but until then it was fine tuning that to make sure I don’t be too greedy and manage the tyres.

Are you ahead of Aston Martin now [on performanc­e]?

I would say we’re a little bit ahead if we see the last couple of races. I think we separate the top five teams and the bottom four teams. We’re kind of individual and we slowly start to catch up with Aston as well. I think we’re in good shape, we’re in a good rhythm and we keep pushing what we’re doing. Developmen­t is coming, so hopefully those upgrades will give us some extra pace, and maybe we can catch up to Aston.

Were you under real pressure from Alex Albon?

I was managing quite a lot. I had to sometimes slow down to make sure that the cars behind didn’t do any pitstop or make sure they couldn’t undercut us. We managed the pace, so that was frustratin­g as a driver, especially when you know there’s a lot of pace to come. But we have to stick to what the team says. The last three laps I was pushing flat out.

How difficult is it to drive that slowly?

Monaco is obviously a very hard track to overtake, but you don’t want to get pressure from behind as it’s not a nice feeling, especially when the car is behind and they try to overtake. We discussed already before the race and I knew it’s going to happen like this, but I am actually happy with what I’ve done and not be too greedy with the tyres.

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