Autosport (UK)

Leclerc passes his Monaco test but did Formula 1?

- Kevin Turner Chief Editor

Autosport had mixed feelings following last weekend’s Monaco Grand Prix. On the one hand, it was fantastic to see Charles Leclerc emotionall­y end his ‘jinx’ at his home circuit, particular­ly given the remarkable fact that he’d not won a GP since July 2022. But, on the other, it was hard not to think that the Monte Carlo streets are not an appropriat­e setting for a Formula 1 race, so limited was the action.

In this issue, Alex Kalinaucka­s explains how Leclerc was able to score his long-awaited victory (page 14), and explores how the Monaco GP could be improved to create a better spectacle (p12).

It was a bumper weekend of motorsport events and, despite its delayed start, the Indianapol­is 500 didn’t disappoint. Josef Newgarden pulled off a last-lap pass to secure a second consecutiv­e victory – and, perhaps, redemption for the Penske squad after all the recent controvers­y. Joey Barnes reports on p30.

Jaguar came away from Formula E’s visit to Shanghai with a win for Mitch Evans and an extended points lead for Nick Cassidy.

Stefan Mackley was there to see some typically tight racing (p36).

Closer to home, Jake Hill put in perhaps the best weekend of his British Touring Car career at Snetterton to take two victories and launch himself back into title contention, while tin-top veteran

Rob Huff took his first series win in 20 years. Marcus Simmons explains how the weekend unfolded on p40.

Our attention now turns to another great event: the Le Mans 24 Hours. Look out for our free 52-page guide in next week’s issue.

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