Auto Express


Insurance is a fact of motoring life, but it can be expensive. Still, if you focus just on costs you may get what you pay for. Our results reveal the firms that best balance service and value

- Martin Saarinen @Ae_consumer

We have all the details on the cover providers you can count on when the chips are down. Plus, top breakdown operators named

COMPARISON websites have made buying car insurance easy. Simply type in your details and there’s a list of providers that are happy to take on your business in an instant.

Figures from the Associatio­n of British Insurers show that premiums reached record highs at the end of 2017, with the average annual policy costing £485. With this in mind, and sites that often rank providers based on the cheapest quote, many buyers often go for that first. But this is only half the story; firms that settle cases quickly will save some headaches.

One reason policies are going up in price is the increased cost of repairing new cars, so providers that don’t scrimp on the quality of work can make up for their steeper premiums.

Yet finding the right provider isn’t easy, which is why we’ve analysed the top 25 of the 54 insurers rated in our Driver Power survey across seven categories, giving you a closer look at each.

All aspects of insurance were taken into account, from buying a policy to claiming on it. We asked how friendly staff were, and if the terms were clearly explained. When it came to making a claim, we quizzed owners on whether they were kept informed and if their provider was quick to settle.

Finally, we wanted to know whether you thought the policies were good value for money.

DATA from the ABI shows that premiums have reached record highs, so the cost of a policy is often on people’s minds. Four per cent fewer people said they paid less than £300 for their insurance than in 2017.

Overall, the proportion of motorists who paid less than £500 for their policy fell, with the number forking out more rising. Last year, one per cent of drivers paid over £1,500 for their policies; that doubled this year. With premiums rising, the next chart will be important to pay attention to.

WHILE the percentage­s look impressive, bear in mind that just five per cent of buyers asked their provider for a discount. However, when you see some of the savings these drivers made, it’s clearly a habit all buyers should get into.

Over half of those who requested a discount shaved up to 10 per cent off their policy. Even more impressive is that nearly a third were given 11-20 per cent off. On an average policy that’s a saving of up to £97 for 27 per cent of buyers. As always, some buyers got even bigger discounts. Insurers are clearly flexible with their prices – you just have to ask.

CLAIMING on a policy is never fun, but every driver wants the matter to be resolved quickly and fairly. This is where insurers really separate themselves out.

Compared with last year, fewer drivers had their claim processed and settled in less than a month, while the time period that saw the biggest jump was between four and six months, up from 12 to 16 per cent. Worryingly, three per cent of drivers had to wait over a year for a settlement, with some waiting more than two years. If you want the best service when you really need it, then pay attention to this speed to settle claim category in our rankings.

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