Ardrossan & Saltcoats Herald

Jamie Greene MSP



AS the MSP for West Scotland and a proud representa­tive of North Ayrshire, I have always cherished the rich history and strong community spirit that defines our region.

It is with this deep dedication to our area that I commit myself to making a positive difference in the lives of local residents, from improving transport links to backing our police to stop antisocial behaviour.

One of the proudest moments for me as an MSP came in 2016 when I stood with the community to support the Save Our Ferry Campaign.

Our collective effort ensured that Ardrossan remained the principal port for the Arran ferry. This was not just about preserving a vital transport link; it was about safeguardi­ng the economic lifeline for many residents and businesses on Arran and our coastal communitie­s. The importance of a reliable ferry service which serves the community first cannot be overstated, and I continue to work tirelessly to address longstandi­ng issues within the network.

Tourism is a cornerston­e of our local prosperity. Our stunning landscapes and vibrant cultural scene attract visitors from far and wide. However, the challenges with the ferry service and recent holiday let laws have often dampened this potential.

I am committed to advocating for robust investment­s and improvemen­ts in our tourism and transport infrastruc­ture. By doing so, we can boost our tourism industry, create jobs, and ensure North Ayrshire remains a wonderful place to live and work.

I have always been committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of residents. In recent years we have witnessed a troubling rise in antisocial behaviour and shopliftin­g which threatens the peace and prosperity of our towns.

I firmly believe a strong, visible police presence is essential in tackling these issues. That is why I have been a staunch supporter of the police. Their dedication to keeping our communitie­s safe deserves our utmost respect and support.

Looking to the future, I envision a North Ayrshire where our transport links are seamless, our streets are safe, and our economy thrives on the back of a booming tourism sector.

As a Conservati­ve MSP I will always champion local people and local causes. If you have a local issue I can take up as your MSP, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with my office.

The importance of a reliable ferry service which serves the community first cannot be overstated. I continue to work tirelessly to address longstandi­ng issues within the network

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 ?? ?? Ferry services provide an economic lifeline for coastal communitie­s. Image: Charlie Gilmour
Ferry services provide an economic lifeline for coastal communitie­s. Image: Charlie Gilmour

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