Amateur Photographer

Josh’s story


Thanks for the excellent feature ‘Photograph­y can save your life’ (AP 24 February), specifical­ly the part on Matt Doogue and his macro work. Matt has been an inspiratio­n for me and Josh, my 15-year- old son, for some time and he has given tremendous support to Josh who suffers with Tourette’s syndrome.

Josh started wildlife photograph­y with me about four years ago and his Tourette’s symptoms were significan­tly reduced while he was using the camera. It all started with having an image shown on BBC’s Springwatc­h. This led us to enter the 2016 BWPA where he was highly commended.

We entered him into the 2017 RSPCA Young Photograph­er Awards where he won both 3rd place and the overall 1st place in the 12-15 category. He has spoken and received online support through social media from Matt, and seeing how others cope with mental health issues too is great for him to see.

Josh has set his heart on photograph­y as a career and his school wholeheart­edly supports him: he has galleries displayed in the school and is enrolled on a course where his photograph­y will be used to gain his GCSE. His Instagram account, which he created and promoted by himself, has over 1,280 followers.

Josh also received a grant from Tourette’s Action to help fund equipment for wildlife photograph­y. He has been featured in local magazines and local newspaper articles, and recently took part in BBC Radio 4’s Tweet of the Day segment (about short- eared owls) – his details were passed to the BBC by our local wildlife trust, who we didn’t even know were aware of Josh. Lee Myers Amazing work, Josh. Do stay in touch and let us know of future successes – Geoff Harris, deputy editor

 ??  ?? Josh has achieved a lot since taking up photograph­y
Josh has achieved a lot since taking up photograph­y
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