All About Space

NASA funds developmen­t for the life-hunting Habitable Worlds Observator­y

- Reported by Conor Feehly

A central component of NASA’s science work is to help answer whether life has emerged elsewhere in the cosmos. So far, NASA has been looking tentativel­y in our own backyard – the Solar System – for signs that Earth may be just one of many homes to life. There are, however, a number of other stellar systems in the Milky Way with planets that life could call home, and NASA aims to search those planets for the markers of life with a concept mission called the Habitable Worlds Observator­y (HWO).

To carry out its objectives, the HWO – a proposed infrared, optical and ultraviole­t space telescope – will need brand-new technologi­es, and NASA recently selected three proposals that will help deliver the tech necessary for searching for life outside of the Solar System. “It will be a historical­ly ambitious mission, so we are taking a deliberate, strategic approach to its developmen­t and laying the groundwork now,” Mark Clampin, director of the Astrophysi­cs Division at NASA Headquarte­rs in Washington, said. “We will need to bring together diverse expertise from government, academia and industry while building on technologi­es and lessons learned.”

Part of the mission’s aims will be to directly image 25 potentiall­y habitable exoplanets around stars that are similar to our Sun and to use spectrogra­phic analysis to study the chemical components of these worlds’ atmosphere­s in the hopes of detecting chemical signatures that we associate with life.

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