All About Space

Making the most of your software

Why Stellarium is such a popular program with astronomer­s

- Stellarium can be downloaded from:

One obvious appeal is it’s free, but that’s not the main reason. It has lots of features, but isn’t cluttered like many other programs or apps – it shows the night sky realistica­lly without too many lines and symbols. Stellarium also lets you import the details of newly discovered Solar System objects without too much fuss, so you can find out when a new comet will be visible from where you live.

1 Head over to

Download Stellarium from its own dedicated website, making sure to download a version which will run properly on your machine.

2 Find your location

Select your home location either by finding it on the map or selecting it, or somewhere close to it, from the extensive list of locations.

3 Work out your horizon

Choose a foreground that looks most like your own viewing location. This will give you a realistic view of the sky you see when you observe.

4 Alter the time and date

You can move backwards or forwards in time using the time bar to see how the sky changes over days, weeks, years and even centuries.

5 Play with the settings

You can turn the names, outlines and artwork of constellat­ions on and off with the tools bar along the bottom of the screen.

6 Check out other ancient skies

Use the Starlore menu to see how the ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Vikings saw the sky and painted it with their own constellat­ions.

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