Airdrie & Coatbridge Advertiser

Horace is home again

Dog’s owners thank the community for their help

- Andrew Bargh

A blind dog missing for several days has been found after a communityw­ide search that attracted hundreds of Facebook users keen to help.

Labrador Horace was discovered trapped down a manhole but is now back safe and sound in his Caldercrui­x home.

The Caldercrui­x owners of a blind dog who went missing for several days have thanked the community for their “amazing efforts”in helping bring Horace home.

The eight-year-old black Labrador went missing last month after jumping out of owner Jim Smith’s car.

His daughter-in-law, Ingrid Ellefson, started a Facebook page to encourage people to help find the vulnerable animal, who went blind two years ago due to detatched retinas.

Hundreds of animal lovers joined the group and participat­ed in the search for Horace, who was found trapped down a manhole three days later.

A relieved Ingrid told the Advertiser: “I finished work at midday on the Sunday and phoned my partner, Jake, who told me he was out searching for Horace as he’d wandered off.

“I rushed to help search for him and as we didn’t find him intially a friend suggested to me I put an appeal on Facebook.

“The post I put up went bananas and hundreds of people got involved.

“This really restores your faith in humanity and it’s overwhelmi­ng that so many people reached out to help us.

“The Advertiser’s own appeal was shared thousands of times and that spread the word even further; we can’t thank everyone enough!”

The 48-year-old continued: “It was amazing to see the community come together like that to help reunite Horace with us and especially Jim.

“They haven’t been separated in eight years and the driving force behind the search efforts was the desire to bring Horace back to him and make sure he was safe.

“He had jumped out of Jim’s boot and headed off along his normal walk route but had fallen and become trapped.

“A man who works on a farm nearby found him three days later and we are over the moon he is home.

“He is such a friendly, loveable dog and the search for him really brought the ‘Cruix community together.”

Ingrid explained Horace, whose blindness is the result of a genetic disorder, was only one or two more nights in the cold away from losing his life.

She added: “When we were out looking for him we feared he’d been caught in a fox trap as there were a number of them lying around.

“When he was found, he was covered in sewage waste and chemicals with scratches and scrapes on his body.

“He looked dazed and confused and Jim took him straight home for a shower and a clean.

“He’s lost about three kilograms in weight and he is on antibiotic­s and painkiller­s.

“When he phoned to tell me Horace had been found I cried; I struggle to describe it but we are all absolutely ecstatic.”

Horace has received a special care package which will help him recover and recuperate from his terrifying ordeal.

Treats and toys were contained in the hamper and Ingrid added: “Even though he is blind Horace is still great with people, kids and other animals.

“This great hamper will really help him settle back in to the home after what he’s been through.”

 ??  ?? Back home Horace with Ingrid
Back home Horace with Ingrid

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