Accrington Observer

Riding to success


TALENTED cyclists receiving certificat­es and badges are shown in this week’s Looking Back (right).

Around 50 youngsters attended Accrington Town Hall in the mid1970s after passing their examinatio­ns on the National Cycling Proficienc­y scheme. The courses were held on Highams Playing Fields during the holidays and the children received their awards from Hyndburn Mayor Jessie hall MBE and Mayoress Freda Coe.

Below that (bottom right), a box office smash was guaranteed for St Mary’s Amateur Operatic Society, Oswaldtwis­tle, after the opening night of their 17th production ‘The Desert Song’.

Oswaldtwis­tle Town Hall was packed for the first night performanc­e with the rest of the week’s shows fully booked. The show was produced by local actor Brian Whittaker and Hyndburn councillor Leslie Rushton gave a dashing performanc­e in the ‘double’ male leading role.

A ‘rubbish amnesty’ was organised in Oswaldtwis­tle by Hyndburn Council in conjunctio­n with the town’s Civic Society.

Pictured below, around 20 lorry-loads of rubbish were collected in just two hours and included television sets and chairs.

Our next picture (top left)was taken at Rishton Golf Club where around 100 members attended the annual dinner.

They were joined by the Hyndburn Mayor and Mayoress and also pictured are lady captain Mrs J Eatough and lady president Miss E Chambers.

The upholder of the law in downtown Gotham City breezed into Hyndburn Sports Centre to join in the fun of an afternoon with Atarah’s Band.

Batman, plus a cat, a policeman, Mr Bear and a Pink Panther provided the entertaini­ng antics in between musical items by Atarah and her band, who played to more than 800 people.

The picture (top right) shows Atarah with junior music fans Adele Crossley, nine, Janet McGough, 10, Susanne Brown, nine and Rachel Old, 11.

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