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No consensus in sight as Lebanon’s political deadlock drags on


Seven months have passed since Lebanese Prime Minister-elect Saad Hariri was asked to form a national unity government, but officials have yet to agree on the Cabinet.

The Speaker of Lebanon’s Parliament, Nabih Berri, said the delay was due to obstructio­n by some officials who did not want a government to be formed.

Meanwhile, Lebanon’s Maronite Patriarch, Beshara Al Rai, said in his Christmas address that politician­s were “masters in creating problems and obstacles” and did not care about financial losses to the state and people.

Political wrangling over the Cabinet has stalled urgently needed fiscal reforms that could unlock $11 billion (Dh40.4bn) in pledged donor loans during a Paris conference in April.

Economists are warning of an economic crash that could destabilis­e a country already grappling with the world’s third highest debt-to-GDP ratio.

The political and economic crisis has aggravated public discontent. Hundreds of demonstrat­ors on Sunday took to the streets of Beirut and called for the overthrow of the government, over what they called poor governance.

Protests are expected to continue tomorrow.

“There are parties that do not want the government to be born at all,” Mr Berri told yesterday’s pro-Hezbollah Al Akhbar newspaper.

He expressed great concern about “what awaits the country in the coming period”.

Mr Berri did not identify any party but said the deadlock seemed to stem from issues larger than ministeria­l portfolios, the share of cabinet seats allotted to each party and veto power in government.

Mr Al Rai criticised Lebanese officials for neglecting public interest. “Is this not a crime?” he asked in a televised address. “This is what stirred the anger of the people yesterday. They carried out rightful protests, the dangerous consequenc­es of which nobody can tell if the politician­s continue in their manoeuvrin­g.”

Political wrangling over the Cabinet has stalled urgently needed fiscal reforms

Lebanese officials last week indicated a government deal was close after Lebanese President Michel Aoun agreed to give up a seat in government to one of Hezbollah’s Sunni allies, satisfying a key demand by the group.

But on Saturday, those allies objected to who would stand for them in government, after a candidate selected by Mr Aoun refused to exclusivel­y represent the group.

This has started a new page of consolatio­ns over which of the remaining five MPs would represent the Sunni alliance in government.

Lebanon has been without a government since parliament­ary elections in May.

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