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▶ Republican­s and Democrats prepare for bickering over president’s choice to replace Anthony Kennedy


The retirement of US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is expected to inflame partisan tensions and shape the outcome of the midterm elections as Republican­s and Democrats battle over President Donald Trump’s nominee to replace him.

All sides mobilised on Wednesday after Mr Kennedy, 81, a voice whose votes have decided issues on abortion, affirmativ­e action, gay rights, guns, campaign finance and voting rights, announced his retirement after serving for 30 years in the US’s highest court.

Mr Trump said he would start the effort to replace Mr Kennedy immediatel­y and would pick from a list of 25 names that he updated last year.

Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell said that the Senate “will vote to confirm Justice Kennedy’s successor” in the autumn, while Democrats are calling for the vote to be held after the November elections, which they hope will give them a majority in the House and Senate.

With Mr Kennedy retiring on July 31, Republican­s have an opportunit­y to tip the balance of the court. It has four justices chosen by Democratic presidents and four picked by Republican­s, so Mr Trump’s nominee could shift the ideologica­l balance towards conservati­ves for years to come.

Republican­s also have a chance to make judicial nominees a campaign-leading issue, which could help motivate conservati­ves and evangelica­ls to vote in November. The ploy worked in 2016, when Republican­s rallied around Mr McConnell’s successful block of president Barack Obama’s nominee to the court, Merrick Garland.

If Republican­s unite behind Mr Trump’s selection, there is little that Democrats can do to stop it. Republican­s changed the Senate rules last year so that Supreme Court nominees cannot be filibuster­ed, meaning only 51 votes will be required to confirm.

Last year, Mr Trump’s first nominee to the court, Neil Gorsuch, was confirmed 54-45, with three Democrats voting in favour. Those Democrats – senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Joe Donnelly of Indiana and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota – face difficult re-election races and could find it hard to oppose the president’s second nominee.

But while Republican­s are aiming for speedy action, Democrats quickly argued that any decision should be put on hold until after midterm elections, citing Mr McConnell’s 2016 moves. Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer said it would be the “height of hypocrisy” to vote sooner. He said the voices of millions of Americans heading to the polls this autumn “deserve to be heard”.

Mr McConnell refused to consider Mr Garland because it was a presidenti­al election year. He said the seat should be left open for the next president to fill.

Chuck Grassley, the chairman of the senate judiciary committee, said that the 2016 delay on Supreme Court confirmati­ons applied only to presidenti­al election years. He noted that Justice Elena Kagan was confirmed in 2010, a midterm election year.

Another flashpoint in the court debate will be abortion rights, which puts a spotlight on key female Republican senators, Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Both have supported abortion access. The abortion issue could also prove difficult for Dean Heller of Nevada, the most endangered Senate Republican running for re-election, whose views have shifted against abortion rights.

Mr Schumer said the Senate should reject “on a bipartisan basis any justice who would overturn Roe v Wade [1973 ruling on abortion access] or undermine key healthcare protection­s”.

Speaking at the White House, Mr Trump deflected a question on whether to wait until after the midterm vote to announce a successor to Mr Kennedy, saying he had not “really thought about that. I think you want to go as quickly as possible”.

The president stressed his confidence in the choices on his list, saying: “You see the kind of quality we’re looking at when you look at that list.”

Some possible nominees are Thomas Hardiman, who serves with Mr Trump’s sister on the Philadelph­ia-based 3rd US Circuit Court of Appeals, and Raymond Kethledge, a federal appeals court judge who was a clerk for Mr Kennedy. Also of interest are Amul Thapar, a federal appeals court judge from Kentucky who is close to Mr McConnell; Brett Kavanaugh, a former clerk for Mr Kennedy who serves on the federal appeals court in Washington, DC; and Amy Coney Barrett, who serves on the federal appeals court in Chicago.

Among Mr Trump’s counsellor­s is Leonard Leo, who is taking a leave of absence as executive vice president of the Federalist Society to serve as an outside adviser to the process.

Mr Leo said on Wednesday that it was important to first focus on Mr Kennedy’s legacy and demonstrat­e appreciati­on. From there, he said, the “White House will begin to winnow the president’s list to a manageable shortlist”.

“The president has been very clear over and over what his standards are,” Mr Leo said.

Senators are bracing for the tough days ahead.

Republican Ben Sasse of Nebraska, a member of the judiciary committee, bluntly talked of the “blood sport” likely to be triggered by the nomination fight. “Americans ought to aim higher,” he said.

On Capitol Hill, a shouting match between parties began almost as soon as Mr Kennedy announced his retirement and as senators realised they could shape the third branch of government

 ?? AP ?? President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy at the swearing-in ceremony for Justice Neil Gorsuch in the Rose Garden of the White House in April last year
AP President Donald Trump and Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy at the swearing-in ceremony for Justice Neil Gorsuch in the Rose Garden of the White House in April last year

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